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Sunday, 16 October 2011

Newsletter - Sunday 16th October 2011

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 15th 8pm: Kitty Dunning & deceased family members, Drumlosh
Sunday 16th 10am: Ellie & John Lennon & deceased family members, Kilcormack
Tuesday 18th 7pm: Sally Lennon, Kilmacormack
Wednesday 19th 7pm: Special Intention
Thursday 20th 7pm: Johnny Dunning Jnr., Ardkeenan
Thursday 20th 8pm: Cornafulla South Station Mass in the home of Tommy & Margaret Fallon
Friday 21st 7pm: Elizabeth Halligan, Crannaghbeg
Friday 21st 7.30pm: Creggane Station Mass in the home of Enda Shine
Friday 21st 8pm: Ardnanure, Clonrulla & Curraghaleen Station Mass in the home of Charlie & Bea McManus
Saturday 22nd 11am: Clonark Station Mass in the home of Paddy & Anne Kennedy
Saturday 22nd 8pm: Eamon Griffin, Ardkeenan
Sunday 23rd 10am: Patrick & Ann Cunniffe, Thomastown

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 16th 11am: Margaret & John Hynes, Oldtown
Sunday 23rd 11am: Laurence (Goss) & Rose Shine and deceased family members.

Monksland Area Mass
Thursday 20th October at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre. All welcome.

Wedding Bells
Congratulations to Kara Henry and Michael Shrahan on their recent wedding. May they be blessed with a long and happy life together.

Céad Míle Fáilte
The Clonown community wishes to welcome Fr. Seán O’Dowd to Clonown. Fr. Seán, a Kiltegan priest, arrived in September. A native of Newtowncashel, Co Longford, he has worked on the missions in Africa and in Scotland. We wish him many years in our midst.

Clonown Community Fundraiser
Variety Show in Clonown Community Centre on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th October at 8pm with local talent and Moore Variety Group. Two nights entertainment not to be missed. Tickets €10. Further details on or contact Ann Dunning 087-2261096 or Paul Curley 086-3349585.

"Do This In Memory of Me"
This weekend in Drum we welcome the children and parents of the First Holy Communion classes of Cornafulla and Ardkeenan. This marks the start of the programme for both the parish community and the children and their families.

Parish Pastoral Council
Parishioners who are interested in getting involved/giving their time to work with the Parish Pastoral Council are requested to submit their names and contact details to the Sacristy or Parish Office before Sunday 30 October.

Dean Kelly Memorial Committee
Invites you all to a gathering in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel on Sunday 30 October at 7pm. Free entry and free food for the launch of our book written by people who attended this school past and present. A great night to be had by all.

Athlone Little Theatre
Presents 'Doubt' drama by John Patrick Shanley at the Theatre from Friday 14th to Wednesday 19th October. Bookings 090-6474324.

Passionfruit Theatre
Presents 'Redemption Song' drama written and performed by John Mac Kenna on Thursday 20th October at 8.30pm. Tickets €10. Contact 086-3338457.