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Please note this site contains archived newsletters and is not currently being updated. The Parish of Saints Peter & Paul - Athlone, Drum & Clonown now has its own website at

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Newsletter - Sunday 11th December 2011

An Tríú Domhnach den Aidbhint
Third Sunday of Advent

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 10th 8pm: Kathleen Brennan, Clonark
Sunday 11th 10am: Mary Glynn, Crannagh
Monday 12th 7pm: Maureen Shine, Birchgrove, Ballinasloe (late of Drumlosh)
Tuesday 13th 8pm: Holy Hour
Wednesday 14th 7pm: John O’Neill, Clonellan
Friday 16th 7pm: Moll & Roseanne McManus, Cornafulla South
Saturday 17th 11am: Christy McManus, Manchester and late of Thornhill (Month's Mind)
Saturday 17th 8pm: Patrick & Delia Moore, Meehanbee
Sunday 18th 10am: Thomas & Elizabeth Lennon, Creggane

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 11th 11am: Ned & Catherine Shine
Sunday 18th 11am: John Dunning and his parents Michael & Delia, The Park

Monksland Area Christmas Mass
Thursday 15th December at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre. All welcome.

Dylan Patrick Moran
Claire Theresa Fowler
Congratulations to their parents.

Rest in Peace
Catherine (Kitty) Jones (nee Durney), Clooneen, Athleague (sister of Michael Durney, Cornafulla North)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.

Senior Citizens Christmas Party
Drum Community Care invite all Senior Citizens to their annual Mass and Christmas Party on Sunday 11th December commencing at 2pm in the Athlone Springs Hotel, Monksland.

Drum Active Age
Will meet in Drum Parish Hall on Tuesday 13th December at 3pm.

Holy Hour
There will be a Holy Hour for Advent in St. Brigid's Church, Drum on Tuesday 13th December at 8pm.

Advent Prayer Group
"Taking our hearts to the Lord" continuing on Tuesday 13th December at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre.

Volunteers needed for Drum Bingo
We urgently need new volunteers to assist with running bingo on Friday nights. Even if you can only give half an hour each week, or one night per month, please do get involved. If you're interested, please come along to Drum Community Centre any Friday night during bingo (8.30-10.30pm) or see

St. Vincent de Paul
Annual church gate collection takes place at Drum Church on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th December. Please give generously.

Coffee morning
Drum Art Group are holding a coffee morning in Drum Parish Hall on Sunday 18th December from 10am–1pm. Proceeds in aid of local charity. All are welcome.

Clonark Garda Station
Station now open with the following opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 10am-11.30am and 2.30pm-4pm.
Saturday & Sunday: 2pm-4pm.
When the station is closed, contact can be made with the Gardaí on patrol via mobile 086-6068819 or 090-6437102.

Dates for your Diary
Confirmation and First Holy Communion
St. Brigid's Church, Drum
-Confirmation for Cornafulla and Ardkeenan schools on Tuesday 22nd May at 4pm
Ss. Peter & Paul's Church, Athlone
-Confirmation for St. Peter's and Dean Kelly schools on Tuesday 22nd May at 11am
-Confirmation for Cloonakilla, Summerhill and Clonown schools on Wednesday 23rd May at 11am
-Communion for St. Peter's and Dean Kelly schools on Saturday 12th May at 11am
-Communion for Cloonakilla N.S. on Sunday 20th May at 10.30am
-Communion for Summerhill N.S. on Saturday 26th May at 11am

Youth Café open in Athlone
Calling all teenagers! A new youth café is now open in Gateway Project, St. Mary's Hall, Northgate Street, Athlone. Come along and see what it's all about. Thursdays 5-7pm for 10-12 years old. Friday 5-7pm for 1st/2nd/3rd years. Friday 7.30-9pm for TY/4th/5th/6th years. Admission €2. Opportunity to relax with friends, play pool, play Wii/Xbox and receive educational support if needed. Telephone 086-0279149 or call in for more information.