Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 7th 8pm: Colm Kennedy and his grandparents Bill & Mamie, Clonark
Sunday 8th 10am: Tom & Mary Grenham, Gorrynagowna
Tuesday 10th 7pm: Johnny Seery & Bridget Donoghue
Wednesday 11th 7pm: Edward & Bridget McManus and deceased family members, Nure
Thursday 12th 8pm: Holy Hour
Friday 13th 7pm: Mary Shine, Creggane
Saturday 14th 10am: Una Naughton, Clonark
Saturday 14th 8pm: Tom & John Joe Rock, Cornafulla South
Sunday 15th 10am: Alan Ledwith, Thomastown
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 8th 11am: Tom Lennon, Oldtown
Sunday 15th 11am: Nancy Gaffey, Newtown
Holy Hour
The Holy Hour for January will take place on Thursday 12th January at 8pm in St. Brigid's Church, Drum.
First Holy Communion
The First Holy Communion Programme will take place in Drum on Saturday 14th January at the 8pm mass.
Drum Art Group
Drum Art Group will resume on Monday 16th January at 10.30am in Drum Parish Hall.
Drum Bingo
We urgently need new volunteers to assist with running bingo in Drum Community Centre - please come along any Friday night during bingo (8.30-10.30pm) or see www.drum.ie/volunteer
Treasure Island - The Pantomime
At the Dean Crowe Theatre from Thursday 12th to Sunday 15th January. Tickets available on-line at www.deancrowetheatre.com or from the booking office 090-6492129.
Passion Fruit Theatre
Jukebox Gypsy on Thursday 12th January at 8.30pm. Admission €10. Enquiries to 086-3338457.
Athlone Animal Welfare
Athlone Animal Welfare (AAW) are having a bag pack in Dunnes Stores, Irishtown on Saturday 14th January and are looking for volunteers. AAW offers a free education programme and a discounted neutering scheme. Contact 085-1657200 or athloneanimalwelfare@gmail.com.
Athlone Community College Open Evening
Open Evening on Tuesday 10th January at 7pm. The purpose of the evening is to give parents/guardians and prospective students an opportunity to see the school. Enrolment may be completed on open evening or any day this week from 9am-5pm or on Saturday 14th January from 10am-12pm.
Upcoming classes at Venue 4, Bastion Street
-Discover EFT workshop on Thursday 12th January 7-10pm. Call 087-9706629.
-Creative Writing Workshops for Children starting Saturday 4th February for six weeks. Cost €85. Contact Niamh 086-3623971.
St. Angela's College, Sligo
Tasters in Theology Programme 2012 (modules open to the public) in association with the Diocese of Elphin. 'An Introduction to the person and writings of St. Paul' with Mary O'Brien, PBVM of St. Patrick's College Thurles. This public module runs for three weekends over Friday (7.30 pm – 10 pm) and Saturday (10 am – 4 pm) on 13th/14th January, 27th/28th January and 10th/11th February 2012. Venue: St. Angela's College, Lough Gill, Sligo. Cost: €60 including Catering. For further information & booking contact Ms Mary Kearns, St. Angela's College, tel: 071-9195550 or email: permanentdiaconate@stangelas.nuigalway.ie
Eucharistic Adoration
Please consider a weekly hour before the Blessed Sacrament. Adorers urgently needed for Saturday 10am, Friday 4pm, Tues at noon. Please contact Liturgical Centre, Castle Street, Athlone: 090-6498755.