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Sunday, 8 April 2012

Newsletter - Sunday 8th April 2012

Domhnach Cásca
Easter Sunday

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 7th 8pm: Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil - People of the Parish
Sunday 8th 10am: Easter Sunday - People of the Parish
Wednesday 11th 7pm: Special Intentions
Thursday 12th 7pm: Lena Murray, Clonellan
Thursday 12th 8pm: Cornafulla South Station Mass in the home of Warren & Sharon Samuels
Friday 13th 7pm: Ardnanure, Clonrulla & Curraghaleen Station Mass in the home of Bridie McManus
Saturday 14th 8pm: Ned & Lily McManus, Rooskey
Sunday 15th 10am: Tom Connor & deceased family members, Clonark

Drum Collection
Saturday 1st April 1st: €1,769.94.
Thank you for your weekly contributions for the upkeep of the church.

Clonown Mass Intentions
Saturday 7th 8pm: Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil
Sunday 8th 11am: Easter Sunday - Sonny Shine and deceased family members
Sunday 15th 11am: Ann & Tom O'Brien, Oldtown

Clonown Collections
Sunday 1st April: €236.00.
Church Restoration Fund: €181.00.

James Christopher Connaughton
Anna Teresa Monahan
Céad Míle Fáilte! Congratulations to their parents

Wedding Bells
Congratulations to Irene Gannon and Desmond Kelly on their recent wedding. May they be blessed with a long and happy life together.

Beannachtaí na Cásca - Easter Blessings
The Priests of the Parish wish all our parishioners, and all who attend our churches, a very happy and peaceful Easter.

Go raibh maith agat - Thank you
The Parish is indebted to all the good people who gave of their time and energy to make our Holy Week Ceremonies worthy of the occasion. We thank most sincerely all who took part in the ceremonies, Eucharistic ministers, readers, choirs, altar servers, sacristans and all those involved in any way.

Drum Heritage Group's Titanic display
Drum Heritage Book Launch
Drum Heritage Group invite you to the launch of their book 'The Titanic Victims and Survivors from the Athlone Area and Surrounding Counties' on Friday 13th April at 8.30pim in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, Athlone. All are welcome. Further information available on

Farm Plastic Collection
There will be a collection of waste silage plastic at Joe Duffy's Lakeland Enterprise Centre, Ballydangan (Moore turn) on Tuesday 10th April between 9am and 5pm. For further information contact: FRS Network 071-9662781, 087-3291081, 096-2521699.

Western Alzheimers Tea Day
Please help Western Alzheimers by hosting or attending a Tea Day on Friday 13th. April in your home, your place of work or in your local community. Donations towards Tea Day also gratefully accepted. Thank you to everyone who has supported the Tea Day in the past and a big welcome to new supporters. Further details available on

Open Evening in Clonown N.S.
Enrolment and open evening on Wednesday 18th April from 7-8pm. All welcome.

Samaritans Church Gate Collection
Athlone Midland Samaritans hold their annual Church gate collection at all churches in Athlone on Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th April. Please help us to support those who need us. If you are feeling anxious, lonely, despairing or suicidal or need to discuss any problem in complete confidence, call the Samaritans 1850-60-90-90 available 24 hours per day.

Divine Mercy Day
Reconciliation and healing in Cuisle Centre, Donamon, Co. Roscommon on Sunday 15th April 10am-6pm. Speaker: Fr Larry Finnegan. All welcome. Booking: 086-1636785.

Night at the Dogs
In aid of Ss. Peter & Paul's Church Restoration Fund on Saturday 28th April in Mullingar Greyhound Stadium. Sponsor a race: €300. Sponsor a dog: €50. Tickets: €20 each on sale now from the Sacristy, the Parish Office or any member of the committee. 1st prize €1,000; 2nd prize €500; five prizes of €100.

Cornafulla Old School Re-union
Re-union of Past Pupils of Cornafulla Old School will be held in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel on Friday 18th May at 8pm. All past pupils welcome. Further details on Cornafulla school website.

Reminder: Charity Tax Relief forms
Please return your completed form for 2011 to the Parish Office as soon as possible. If you have mislaid the form or did not receive the relevant documentation, please contact the Parish Office at 090-6492171 or in Drum 090-6437125. Many thanks for the positive response so far.