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Sunday, 6 May 2012

Newsletter - Sunday 6th May 2012

Séipéal Naomh Bríd, An Droim
Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 5th 8pm: May Henry, Drumlosh
Sunday 6th 10am: Patrick & Mary Naughton, Clonark
Tuesday 8th 8pm: Holy Hour
Wednesday 9th 7pm: Andy Kenny and deceased family members, Rooskey
Thursday 10th 7pm: Ó Faoláin and Phelan family. Francis Martin and family
Saturday 12th 8pm: Frank & Rose Lennon, Curryroe
Sunday 13th 10am: Deceased members of the Seery Family, Creggane
Sunday 13th 11.30am: First Holy Communion for the children of Ardkeenan & Cornafulla schools

Drum Collection
Sunday 29th April: €1,150.35.
Thank you for your weekly contributions for the upkeep of the church.

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 6th 11am: Mike and Frank Gavin, Graha
Sunday 13th 11am: Bill & Peg Fallon, Newtown

Clonown Collections
Sunday 29th April: €168.00.
Church Restoration Fund: €184.00.

Monksland Area Mass
Thursday 10th May at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre. All welcome.

Rest in Peace
Angeline Keegan, Dysart and formerly of Bealnamulla
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam

Thank You
Enda McManus wishes to thank the people of the parish for their generous donations totalling €600 to Solidarity in Action, Zambia. Enda will be holding a fundraising night in Connaughton’s Bar, Clonark on Sunday 6th May, commencing at 10pm. Music, finger food, spot-prizes, etc. on the night. Please support this worthy cause. Go raibh maith agaibh.

Holy Hour
As part of our parish's preparation for the forthcoming 50th International Eucharistic Congress, a Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration will be held in each church:
Monday 7th 8-9pm in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church, Athlone;
Tuesday 8th 8-9pm in St. Brigid's Church, Drum;
Wednesday 9th 8-9pm in Church of Our Lady of the Wayside, Clonown.

Drum Heritage Group
Reconvened AGM will take place on Wednesday 9th May at 8.30pm in Drum Heritage Centre. All members please attend. New members welcome.

Titanic Centenary Book
Drum Heritage committee wish to thank all those who attended the recent book launch. Remaining copies of the book may be purchased at Drum Heritage Centre open Monday-Friday 9.30am-2.30pm daily.

Drum/Clonown Community Games
Anyone interested in participating in Gymnastics (up to age 16 boys and girls) please send a text with the child’s name and date of birth to 086-8747605.

Fashion Show
St. Joseph's F.C. in conjunction with Dunnes Stores are holding a fashion show in the Athlone Springs Hotel on Thursday 10th May at 8.30pm. Tickets €10 include champagne reception and free entry into grand prize draw. Tickets available from Dunnes Stores (Irishtown), through the club, or at the door on the night. For further information contact 087-77732417. Please support.

Table Quiz
In aid of Athlone Model Flying Club in the Mill Bar, Bealnamulla on Friday 11st May at 8.30pm. Teams of 4: €20. Contact 086-8855474.

Revisiting the Mass - Part 2
Short three-part course to be held over three Mondays - 14th, 21st and 28th May from 8.00-9.30pm in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, Athlone. Everyone welcome - parents, teachers, Church volunteers, Eucharistic ministers, readers, adorers, etc. Cost €3 per session.

Cornafulla Old School Re-union
Re-union meal and celebration of Past Pupils of Cornafulla Old School (1843-1983) will be held in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel on Friday 18th May at 8pm. All past pupils welcome. Tickets €12.50. For information and tickets contact: Seamus 086-2664545, Michael 087-7690795, Paddy 087-7865232, Gerry 087-1277408 or John 086-2561932.

Parish Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
Booking for last few remaining seats. From Saturday 30th June to Saturday 7th July. Spiritual Director: Fr. John McManus. Cost €629. For bookings contact Gerry Kinneavy 087-2249621 or Mary 090-6492045 / 087-2936933.

Youth Pilgrimage to Lourdes
The parish has been allocated two places on the Youth section of the Elphin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes (28th August - 2nd September). The parish will cover half of the cost for both youths. To apply, please contact the Parish Office 090-6437125 before the end of May. A draw will be held if more than two applications are received.

Roscommon Friendly Call Service
Offers a FREE telephone call to people living alone. This is a confidential service that befriends people living in Co. Roscommon through a weekly or daily telephone call. It can help your relatives, neighbours or friends who may be living alone stay safe, secure and active. The Friendly Call Service also holds social gatherings for clients and volunteers throughout the year. To register please contact Sandra on 0906630252. This service is funded by Roscommon LEADER Partnership Co.

Interested in becoming a Permanent Deacon?
Want to find out more? The Diocese of Elphin is now accepting enquiries from married and single men who may feel called to ministry as a permanent deacon. The four year part-time training programme will begin in October/November 2012. For further information or a conversation around the topic, please contact the Director of the Permanent Diaconate at St. Mary's Sligo 071-9162670 or visit the Vocations section of