Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 23rd 8pm: Sonny & Bridget Lawless and deceased family members, Cornafulla
Sunday 24th 10am: Noel Egan, Rooskey, Bealnamulla
Thursday 28th 7pm: John Higgins, Crannaghmore
Friday 29th 6pm: Nan O’Neill, Clonellan (Month's Mind)
Saturday 30th 8pm: Peter & Maureen Killian and deceased family members, Crancam
Sunday 1st 10am: Gloria Walshe, Crannaghbeg
Drum Collection
Sunday 17th June: €1,605.00.
Eucharistic Congress: €887.00.
Thank you for your weekly contributions for the upkeep of the church.
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 24th 11am: Tim, Mary, Paddy & Laurence Geoghegan
Sunday 1st 11am: Mass
Clonown Collections
Sunday 17th June: €158.00.
Church Restoration Fund: €151.00.
Elijah Daniel Desmond Gavin
Jason Patrick Rooney McManus
Céad Míle Fáilte! Congratulations to their parents.
Drum Community Care - Senior Citizens outing to Knock
On Thursday 5th July. Due to small numbers last year the committee have decided to ask those interested in going to give their name to a member of the committee, not later than this Sunday 24th June. Unless they get sufficient numbers, it will not be feasible to run a bus. Committee members' phone numbers are on the Notice Board at the back of the church.
Drum Folk Group
Singers and musicians needed to start a folk group for the Saturday evening Vigil Mass in St. Brigid's Church, Drum. If you are interested or require more information please contact Claire on 089-4196363 before 30th June.
75th Anniversary of Ss. Peter & Paul's Church
Friday 29th June (Feast of Ss. Peter & Paul) will mark the 75th Anniversary of the official opening and blessing of the church. To mark the occasion, a special anniversary Mass will be celebrated in the church on Friday 29th June at 7.30pm followed by refreshments in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel. All are invited to attend.
Stained Glass Windows
The stained glass windows in St. Brigid's Church, Drum are in need of restoration work and quotes are currently being sought for the cost of this work. A meeting to discuss the situation will be held in coming weeks. Your support will be greatly appreciated at this meeting. Further details to follow.
Drum Walking Group
Meet at Drum Community Centre on Mondays at 7.30pm. This is for anyone interested in the fresh air and outdoors, while getting fit and keeping healthy at the same time! Anyone can join us with no costs involved. All are welcome.
Athlone Gymnastics Club
Summer Camps on 2nd-6th July and 9th-13th July from 9.30am-1.30pm daily. Now taking bookings. For information and bookings contact 087-9484744.
Day-trip to Titanic Museum, Belfast
On Thursday 26th July. Bus departs Shamrock Lodge at 9am, organised by Athlone Carers Support Group. To book, contact Margaret 090-6437346, Carmel 090-6492421 or Margaret 090-6437170.
Eucharistic Adoration
Please consider a weekly hour before the Blessed Sacrament. Adorers needed for Thursday 11am, Thursday 8pm. Please contact Liturgical Centre, Castle Street: 090-6498755.
Marriage Jubilee Celebration
The Annual Diocesan Jubilee Celebration of Marriage will take place in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church, Athlone in July with Mass celebrated by Bishop Jones. All married couples are invited to attend, and a special welcome to those celebrating a significant jubilee (60yrs, 50yrs, 40yrs, 25 years). Refreshments afterwards. Please register with the Parish Office 090-6492171 by Monday 2nd July.