Saturday 18th 8pm: John O'Reilly, Monksland
Sunday 19th 10am: Paddy Murray and family, Curraghaleen
Tuesday 21st 7pm: The Donnellan Family, Crannagh
Wednesday 22nd 7pm: James & Mary Henry, Clonellan
Thursday 23rd 7pm: Pádraig Grenham, Clonellan (1st Anniversary)
Friday 24th 7pm: James Lennon, Summerhill
Saturday 25th 11.30am: Prayer service and Internment of Ashes for Patricia Dockery (nee Bannon) & Juliana (Sheila) Bannon, England and Bealnamulla
Saturday 25th 8pm: Bernie Kelly & deceased family members, Rooskey
Sunday 26th 10am: Martha Donnellan, Moydrum and deceased members of the Connor family
Drum Collection
Sunday 12th August: €1,475.00.
Go raibh maith agaibh as bhur síntiúis seachtainiúla do chostas cothaithe an tséipéil.
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 19th 11am: Nancy & John Ward, Curraghnaboll
Sunday 26th 11am: John, Bridget & Patrick Halligan, Collogorif
Clonown Collections
Sunday 12th August: €256.00.
Church Restoration Fund: €177.00.
Rest in Peace
Kathleen Glynn, Esker Riada, Monksland (mother of Ann Greaney, Summerhill)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
Wedding Bells
Congratulations to Lisa O’Kennedy and Ross Sheriff on their recent wedding.
Go maire siad a saol úr.
Cemetery Sunday
Clonown Cemetery: Sunday 19th August after 11am Mass.
Coosan Cemetery: Sunday 19th August at 4pm.
Drum Cemetery: Sunday 9th September at 10am (weather permitting).
Elphin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock
Annual Pilgrimage takes place on Sunday 19th August during the Novena. Ceremonies began at 2.30pm with Anointing of the Sick followed by Mass at 3pm with chief celebrant Bishop Christy Jones. Theme: Eucharist and Life. National Public Novena in honour of Our Lady of Knock continues daily until 22nd August. Twice daily at 3pm and 8.30pm. (2.30pm on Sunday). Full details and live webstream available on |
As part of national Heritage Week, a heritage show case of Traditional Crafts and Customs replicating the way of life of a rural community in ancient Ireland will be held in Drum Heritage Visitor Centre and adjoining Parish Hall on Saturday 25th August 2012, commencing at 2pm and opening with the launch of the only working model of an Early Medieval Horizontal Water Driven Corn Mill, showing revolving water wheel vanes (paddles) and millstones, mill pond, sluices, mill-race, tail-race and set in period landscaping. Admission €5 (including light refreshments), free admission for children. Full details on
Pieta House West - Charity Cycle
A cycle will take place on Saturday 25th August from Galway to Johnstown. Anyone who wishes to take part in this event or support this worthy cause can get sponsorship cards from: Paddy 087-2487340, Joe 086-2670012 or Pádraig 085-2889025.
South Roscommon Music Festival
In aid of Pieta House West takes place on Saturday 25th August commencing at 7.30pm in Connaughton's Pub. Clonark. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Help Needed!
Basket collectors needed for Saturday evening and Sunday morning masses in Drum. There is a monthly rota in place but we do not yet have anyone for September, October, November or January. Thanks to those who have already volunteered and a warm welcome to anyone else who is interested. Please contact Fr. Michael or Drum Parish Office 090-6437125.
Autumn Stations
Anyone who would like to host the stations in their home this autumn is asked to contact Drum Parish Office at 6437125 to arrange a date. This is a lovely tradition which has been passed down through generations in our parish but would seem to be in decline in recent times. Perhaps you would consider hosting the station mass for your area to ensure the tradition continues for another generation.
Samaritans - Volunteers
Have you 3 hours per week to spare? Athlone Midlands Samaritans are holding an information evening for prospective new volunteers in Shamrock Lodge Hotel at 8pm on Monday 27th August, Thursday 6th September and Tuesday 11th September. For further information contact