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Please note this site contains archived newsletters and is not currently being updated. The Parish of Saints Peter & Paul - Athlone, Drum & Clonown now has its own website at

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Sunday 16th September 2012

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 15th 8pm: Michael & Iris Carr and their daughter Elaine Steward
Sunday 16th 10am: Patrick & Teresa Murray, Culfatha
Tuesday 18th 7pm: Paddy, Mary Frances and Owen Shine, Kielty
Wednesday 19th 7pm: John & Mary Naughton, Clonellan
Thursday 20th 7pm: Dan & Lizzie Hynes, Drumlosh
Friday 21st 7pm: Tim Naughton, Newtown
Friday 21st 7.30pm: Creggane Station Mass in the home of Anne Seery
Saturday 22nd 11am: Clonellan Station Mass in the home of Phil & Anne Frances O’Neill
Saturday 22nd 8pm: Michael & Bridie Naughton, Culfatha and Taughmaconnell
Sunday 23rd 10am: Tim & Nancy Lennon, Kilmacormack

Drum Collection
Sunday 9th September: €1,117.00.
Go raibh maith agaibh as bhur síntiúis seachtainiúla do chostas cothaithe an tséipéil.

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 16th 11am: Paddy Geoghegan
Sunday 23rd 11am: Kathleen and Sonny Cunningham

Clonown Collections
Sunday 9th September: €186.00.
Church Restoration Fund: €180.00.

Monksland Area Mass
Thursday 20th September at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre. All are welcome.

Rest in Peace
John Verdon, Bealnamulla
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

Wedding Bells
Congratulations to Mary Dunning & Andrew Browne and Keira Kilroy & Alan Nolan on their recent weddings.
Go maire siad a saol úr.

Hospice Coffee Morning
Coffee morning in aid of Mayo/Roscommon Hospice on Thursday 20th September from 9.30am-1pm in Drum Community Centre. Please support this worthy cause.
Coffee mornings will also be held at Tearmonn Micheál (Sr. Bernard), The Docks from 10am-12pm and in Monksland Community Centre from 10.30am-12.30pm. Your support would be much appreciated.

Drum Heritage Group
Meeting on Thursday 20th September at 8.30pm in the Heritage Centre. All members requested to attend.

Drum Church Window Repairs
The stained glass windows in St. Brigid's Church, Drum are currently in a poor state of repair. Quotes were sought from various companies to carry out the work. At a public meeting in Drum Parish Hall on Tuesday 11th September, it was decided to award the contract to a company from Belfast who have carried out similar work at other churches in the diocese. The cost of the work will be €45,000 and an application has been made to the diocese for an interest-free loan over a four year period. It was also decided at the meeting to introduce a second collection at all weekend masses in the church in order to meet the repayments. Further details to follow.

Culture Night
Trad music, singing and dancing in Passionfruit Theatre on Friday 21st September at 7pm. Admission free. All welcome.

Developing Tourism in County Roscommon
Úna Bhán Tourism with the assistance of Roscommon LEADER Partnership invite those who have an interest in promoting tourism in the area to an informative presentation on Tuesday 17th September at 7pm in Drum Heritage Centre delivered by two experts in their field, focused on developing and marketing tourism in the County. The presentations will be on ‘An Overview of Roscommon’s Cultural Heritage, including access & legal issues’ delivered by Nollaig Feeney, Roscommon Heritage Officer and ‘Roscommon’s Natural & Wildlife Heritage’ delivered by Michael Bell. A series of interesting and informative Training Modules will take place in various locations around the County over the next couple of months to provide important tools to assist in developing tourism product. If you would like more information, please contact Patricia Golden, Úna Bhán Tourism on 071-9663033 or or Una Doris, Roscommon LEADER Partnership at or attend the presentation on Tuesday 17th September at 7pm in Drum Heritage Centre.

Drum Art Group
Monday mornings at 10.30am in Drum Parish Hall. New members most welcome. For further information contact Jackie at 087-2341535.

Drum Community Centre
Sports hall and meeting rooms available for bookings. Contact Michael 090-6494425 or 083-0030902 Monday-Friday 6-10pm.

Athlone Cancer Support Services
Commences on Friday 28th September and will run every second Friday from 10am-1pm. The services are free and strictly confidential. Open to both male and female. Youths 16 years or younger wishing to avail of this service must be accompanied by an adult. Venue: St. Kieran’s Community Centre, Tormey Villas, Athlone. Further details contact Maureen 085-1461048.

Indoor Market
Calling all bargain hunters near and far! An indoor market will be held in Drum Community Centre on Saturday 29th September 11am-6pm. Racks packed with pre-loved delights and fabulous new creations from local people. Fun things for the kids and tasty treats for the young and old. Bring the family for a fun day out and bag yourself a great bargain. Further information contact Catriona Conway at 087-3572715.

Creative Writing Workshops for Children
6-week workshops for 8-12 year olds on Saturday mornings from 11am-1pm starting 6th October in Venue4, Bastion Street, Athlone. Cost: €85 (with concession for siblings). Contact Niamh 086-3623971 for more information and to book a place.

Social Dancing Classes
Starting in Glesson's, The Square, Roscommon on Friday 28th September. Beginners 8-9pm, Improvers 9-10pm with dancing after from 10-11pm. No partners needed, €8 per class. All are welcome. Further details contact Padraig at 087-1812248.

Autumn Stations
Anyone who would like to host the stations in their home this autumn is asked to contact Drum Parish Office at 6437125 to arrange a date. This is a lovely tradition which has been passed down through generations in our parish but would seem to be in decline in recent times. Perhaps you would consider hosting the station mass for your area to ensure the tradition continues for another generation.

Parish Novena
As part of the Jubilee Celebrations for Ss. Peter & Paul's Church, the Parish will be hosting a Novena from Monday 22nd to Tuesday 30th October in the 3 churches of the parish. It will be conducted by the Redemptorist Fathers. A more detailed programme will be published later.