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Sunday, 25 November 2012

Newsletter - Sunday 25th November 2012

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 24th 8pm: Sr. Margaret Lennon, Curryroe
Sunday 25th 10am: Thomas Naughton, Clonark
Sunday 25th 10.45am: Rosary in Drum Cemetery
Monday 26th 7pm: Mass for the faithful departed with the rosary and benediction for all the sick and the deceased of the parish
Wednesday 28th 7pm: Patrick Caulfield, Summerhill
Thursday 29th 7pm: Annie Mitchell (mother of Nora Seery, Clonellan)
Saturday 1st 8pm: John & Margaret McManus, Johnstown
Sunday 2nd 10am: Deceased members of the Lennon Family, Clonellan

Drum Collections
Sunday 18th November: €767.00.
Church Windows Fund: €385.00.
Go raibh maith agaibh as bhur síntiúis seachtainiúla do chostas cothaithe an tséipéil.

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 25th 11am: Louise Gavin and deceased members of the Byrne family
Sunday 2nd 11am: P.J. & Mossy Curley and deceased family members

Clonown Collections
Sunday 11th November: €180.00.
Church Restoration Fund: €178.00.

Alex Dillon Sheppard
Céad míle fáilte! Congratulations to his parents.

Drum Cemetery: Sunday 25th November at 10.45am.

Confirmation Programme
A meeting for the parents of the Confirmation group from Cornafulla and Ardkeenan schools will be held on Thursday 29th November in Drum Parish Hall at 8pm.

Confirmation 2013
Ss. Peter & Paul's Church, Athlone: Tuesday 14th May 2013 at 11am.
St. Brigid's Church, Drum: Tuesday 14th May 2013 at 4pm.

First Holy Communion 2013
Please note the dates for Ss. Peter & Paul's Church, Athlone:
Saturday 11th May 2013: Cloonakilla N.S.
Saturday 18th May 2013: St. Peter's N.S. & Dean Kelly N.S.
Saturday 25th May 2013: Summerhill N.S.

Advent Prayer Group
Meeting every Tuesday during Advent at the following times and venues:
10.15am in Tearmann Micheál, The Docks;
8pm in the Presbytery, Deerpark Road;
8pm in Monksland Community Centre.
All are welcome.

St. Aloysius' Bowling Night
The Parents Association are holding a Bowling night in aid of St. Aloysius' College on Saturday 8th December at 8pm in Athlone Leisure World, Grace Road. Adult and student teams welcome. Please support.

Drum Foróige Youth Club
Volunteers needed for Drum Foróige Youth Club. Are you free on a Friday evening 8-10pm during the school term? We are looking for leaders (over 18 years) who are positive role models, have an interest in carrying out projects and mentoring young people. Full training provided. Help the young people in your community reach their full potential. Contact Megan on 086-2566480 or Joe Kelly 087-2218656.

Used Stamps
Fr. John, on behalf of St. Patrick's Missionary Society, would like to acknowledge the kind gift of used stamps that were sent to Kiltegan recently. The money raised from the sale of used stamps will amplify the Catechist Fund which is used to help growth in faith, through teachers of religion. In the coming months, parishioners are invited to leave used stamps at the church for Fr. John or Fr. Seán.

Cairde Nua
Parenting Alone Support Group every Tuesday morning at 10.30am in Monsignor McCarthy Complex, Battery Heights.