Third Sunday of Advent
Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 15th 8pm: Mary Glynn, Crannagh
Sunday 16th 10am: Irene Mulligan, Taylorstown
Tuesday 18th 7pm: Tommy & Kathleen Lennon, Clonbulia, followed by Rosary and Benediction
Wednesday 19th 7.30pm: Confirmation Commitment Ceremony
Thursday 20th 7pm: Martin & Nancy Mulvey, Johnstown, also son Marty and grandson Alan
Friday 21st 7pm: Eileen Murray, Crannaghmore
Satruday 22nd 10.30am: Tom Hynes, Summerhill (Month's Mind)
Saturday 22nd 8pm: John & Kitty Keena and deceased members of Keena family, Cornafulla
Sunday 23rd 10am: Tommy Harney, Curraghaleen
Drum Collections
Sunday 9th December: €1,275.00.
Church Windows Fund: €386.70.
Go raibh maith agaibh as bhur síntiúis seachtainiúla do chostas cothaithe an tséipéil.
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 16th 11am: James & Mary Egan and deceased family members
Sunday 23rd 11am: Margaret Shine, Drumlosh
Clonown Collections
Sunday 9th December: €216.00.
Church Restoration Fund: €199.00.
Rest in Peace
Margaret Murray, Creggane, Cornafulla
Patrick Joseph Dunning, Crannagh
Elizabeth Naughton, Dublin and Clonark (sister of Rosie Dunning (Clonark), Kathleen Duffy (Drumlosh), Hannah Bracken (Clonark))
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam.
Drum Cemetery Voluntary Group
The group would like to acknowledge all of those who have sent back their annual cemetery maintenance donation envelope. Anyone else who wishes to make a donation can do so by returning their envelope to Drum Parish Office.
Cornafulla Christmas Fair
Cornafulla N.S. are holding their annual Christmas Fair in the school on Wednesday 19th December from 9.30am–1.30pm. Cake sale, tea and coffee, activities for the young. Proceeds in aid of local charities and the school. Please support. All are welcome.
Ardkeenan N.S. are holding their annual Christmas Play in Drum Parish Hall on Thursday 20th December starting at 6.30pm. Please support. All welcome.
Penitential Rite
Including confessions in preparation for Christmas on Monday 17th December after the 7.30pm mass in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church. A number of priests will be available for confessions. Please make a special effort to attend.
Christmas Envelopes and Parish Calendars
Will be distributed next week by your local area distributor/collector. We would like to thank most sincerely all our parish collectors for all their help throughout the year and wish wish them and their families a very happy Christmas and peaceful new year.
Advent Prayer Group
Meeting every Tuesday during Advent at the following times and venues:
10.15am in Tearmann Micheál, The Docks;
8pm in the Presbytery, Deerpark Road;
8pm in Monksland Community Centre;
After 7pm Mass in Drum Church (Rosary and Benediction for all the sick of the parish and those who have lost a loved one during the year).
All are welcome.
Parish Ministry
Parish of Ss. Peter & Paul are looking for Eucharistic Ministers, Readers and Altar Servers. If you are interested or would like to nominate someone, please contact the Parish Office in Drum 090-6437125 or in Athlone 090-6492171 or call to the Sacristy.