Archive notice

Please note this site contains archived newsletters and is not currently being updated. The Parish of Saints Peter & Paul - Athlone, Drum & Clonown now has its own website at

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Newlsetter - Sunday 28th April 2013

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 27th 8pm: Angeline Keegan and baby Mia
Sunday 28th 10am: John & Tim Duignan, Doohan
Tuesday 30th 7pm: John McManus, parents Tom & Ellen, and son Tom, Nure
Wednesday 1st 7pm: Special Intentions for those who attended the Holy Hour
Thursday 2nd 7pm: Thomas & Hannah Lennon, Clonrulla
Saturday 4th 8pm: Miko McManus, Cornafulla South
Sunday 5th 10am: Mai Henry, Drumlosh

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 28th 11am: Joe & Ned Roche, Togher
Friday 3rd 8pm: Michael Greene
Sunday 5th 11am: Willie & Tommy Ward, Curraghnaboll

Rest In Peace
Mary Ruane (née Mulvey), Thomastown, Ballydangan
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.

Clonown 10K Run and Walk
Best of luck to all involved with the 4th annual 10K run/walk taking place in Clonown on Sunday 28th April. Online registration and further details on

Launch of McManus Gathering 2013
Drum Heritage Group invite you to attend the launch evening on Wednesday 1st May in Drum Parish Hall, commencing at 8.30pm and chaired by Drum Heritage President Canon Liam Devine P.P. The 2013 McManus Gathering to Drum will take place on 17-18 August. A full colour brochure with a timetable of events will be available on the launch night. Guest speakers include Úna Ní Chuinn (Deputy Co-ordinator, Roscommon Gathering), Nollaig Feeney (Heritage Officer, Roscommon County Council), Tom Crosby (Chairman, Roscommon County Council), Michael Lennon (Roscommon Association Dublin), Willie McManus (Ardnanure) and Frank McManus (Nure). Further details available on