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Please note this site contains archived newsletters and is not currently being updated. The Parish of Saints Peter & Paul - Athlone, Drum & Clonown now has its own website at

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Newsletter - Sunday 7th July 2013

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 6th 8pm: Teresa Gunning, Johnstown
Sunday 7th 10am: Gloria Walshe, Crannaghbeg
Saturday 13th 8pm: Kathleen Nicholson, Cornafulla South
Sunday 14th 10am: Gloria Walshe, Crannaghbeg

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 7th 11am: John, Margaret & Michael Dunning
Sunday 14th 11am: Jimmy & Maureen Dunning, Togher

Cillian John Naughton
Céad Míle Fáilte! Congratulations to his parents.

Drum Heritage Group
Committee meeing on Thursday 11th July at 8.30pm in the heritage centre to arrange the annual tour and to discuss plans for the forthcoming McManus Gathering to Drum. All members requested to attend.

Drum/Clonown Community Games
Under 12 Girls Gaelic football team are having a fundraiser night on Saturday 13th July in Connaughton's Bar, Clonark at 9pm. There will be music and spot prizes galore on the night. Please come along and support the team representing the Parish and Connacht in the National Finals in August. Your support will be greatly appreciated.

Go raibh maith agat
Thank you to all those who supported the Lourdes Assisted Pilgrims Fund annual church gate collection last weekend. The total collected in Drum was €370. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Project DAWN Information Day
Project DAWN - Providing A Pathway to Education, Employment and the Community. Are you in receipt of an disability/illness payment? Are you aged between 16 and 65 years? Do you need support in exploring exciting new opportunities? Call in to Monksland Community Centre on Tuesday 9th July, 10am-1pm for a coffee and a chat to learn more about this exciting Project and how it will benefit you.

Athlone Town F.C. Open Day
Open day on Sunday 14th July in Athlone Town Stadium starting at 1pm. Free admission. 7-a-side soccer blitz, dog show, car boot sale, bonny boot shoot, face painting, penalty competition and lots more. For further information contact Liam 085-2417127.

Thank You
Monksland United Football Club would like to thank most sincerely all those who supported their recent church gate collection. our generosity is much appreciated.

Care to drive
Patients in need of transport to and from their chemotherapy treatments (including bloods, consultant appointments, follow-ups, etc.) can avail of 'Care to drive' - a free transport service to Portiuncla Hospital. Contact your hospital team or the Irish Cancer Society on 01-2310566 for more details.

Dr. Stevens Centre
A limited number of second-hand secondary school uniforms for sale at a greatly reduced cost. All money raised will go to St. Hilda's School.

Drum parent and toddler group
Every Tuesday at 10am in Drum Parish Hall. All welcome.