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Please note this site contains archived newsletters and is not currently being updated. The Parish of Saints Peter & Paul - Athlone, Drum & Clonown now has its own website at

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Newsletter - Sunday 25th August 2013

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 24th 8pm: Bernie Kelly & deceased family members, Rooskey
Sunday 25th 10am: Michael O’Loughlin, Rockfield
Tuesday 27th 7pm: Private Intentions
Wednesday 28th 7pm: Tom, Kathleen & John Shine, Crannaghmore
Thursday 29th 7pm: John Kilroy, St Coman's Park
Friday 30th 7pm: Tommy & Rose O’Brien, also son Pake, Creggane
Saturday 31st 8pm: Maura Henry, Mount Florence
Sunday 1st 10am: Paddy Murray, Curraghaleen

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 25th 11am: John, Bridget & Patrick Halligan, Collogoriff
Sunday 1st 11am: Pat & Margaret Hynes, Oldtown

Wedding Bells
Congratulations to Michelle Freeburn and Patrick Wade on their recent wedding.
Go maire siad a saol úr.

Eli Cullen
Céad Míle Fáilte!

Rest In Peace
Willie Milton, Iona Park
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam

Cemetery Sunday
Cloonakilla Cemetery: Sunday 25th August at 3pm.

Drum Cemetery Voluntary Group
It has come to the attention of the group that items have been taken from the graveyard. We are asking people to be vigilant and contact any member of the group.

Meeting for volunteers on Wednesday 28th August at 8pm in Drum Parish Hall. The 6K/11k run/walk/crawl event takes place in Drum on Saturday 31st August, as part of 'Marathons4Muireann' to benefit three worthy charities: the Brothers of Charity; the Jack and Jill Foundation; and Temple Street Children’s Hospital. It is an ideal opportunity for the community to meet up, get a bit of exercise and contribute to this worthy cause. Each participant will be asked to make a contribution of €10. Refreshments will be provided afterwards in Drum Hall. Stewards will be on hand on the day to provide a safe environment for the participants. Event organiser Declan O'Flaherty will be running the entire parish on the day comprising of a 50k run and there will be volunteers involved in a bucket collection along the route.

Cornafulla N.S.
Re-opening on Thursday 29th August.

Drum Parent and Toddler Group
Every Tuesday in Drum Parish Hall at 10.30am. All welcome.

Drum Art Group
Recommencing on Monday 2nd September at the usual time of 10.30am. New members most welcome. Further details contact Jackie at 087-2341535.

The Priests in concert
Gala concert in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church, Athlone on Friday 20th September with guest artist, Athlone soprano Bread O'Connor. Tickets €25 are now available at the Parish Office 090-6492171 or 086-0525661 or the Sacristy 090-6494150 or any member of the committee. Proceeds in aid of the Church Restoration Fund. Further details and updates available on the Facebook page.