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Please note this site contains archived newsletters and is not currently being updated. The Parish of Saints Peter & Paul - Athlone, Drum & Clonown now has its own website at

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Newsletter - Sunday 20th July 2014

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 19th 8pm: Kieran & Grett Naughton, Crannaghmore
Sunday 20th 10am: Michael McManus, Clonark
Saturday 26th 8pm: Owen McManus, Belrea, and partner Leonie Kirwin
Sunday 27th 10am: Patrick Higgins, Curryroe

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 20th 11am: Willie Greene, Cappaghmore
Sunday 27th 11am: Johnny & Mai Harney and John & Nell Salmon

Monksland Area Mass
Sunday 27th at 11.30am in Monksland Community Centre. All welcome.

Drum Heritage Group
Committee meeting will be held on Thursday 24th July at 8.30pm in the Heritage Centre. All members are requested to attend.

Go raibh maith agat
Thank you to all those who supported the recent church gate collection for Elphin Diocese Lourdes Assisted Pilgrims Fund. The following amounts were collected: Ss. Peter & Paul's €765.38, Drum €420, Ballybay €600. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Samaritans Thank You
Athlone Samaritans would like to thank everyone who supported their recent church gate collection. Total collected was €388. Following on from the launch of Samaritans new free-to-call number, 116 123, Athlone Samaritans are hosting an Open Day from 11am to 4pm on Thursday 24th July for former volunteers and all members of the public who are interested in the work of the Samaritans or who would like to visit the centre. We look forward to meeting all who would like to join us for coffee.

Reek Sunday 2014
Croagh Patrick National Pilgrimage will take place on Sunday 27th July. Reek Sunday has always been the traditional pilgrimage day and people are encouraged to climb on this day as it is the one day of the year where there are ample services laid on.

South Westmeath Adult Learning Programmes
Open morning on the Wednesday 30th July at the Further Education Centre, Clonown Road, Athlone. Courses commencing in September include: ICT Skills, Employment Skills, Hairdressing, Science and Engineering, Office/Retail Skills, Metalwork/Electronics. For more details contact Joan or Goretti at 090-6492188 or 086-1731931.

Health Care Workers required
Vacancies in all localities. Please submit your CV to: B Connolly, RSG, Derrane, Co. Roscommon or contact RSG on 090-6625852 for further information.

Youth 2000 Summer Festival
Takes place from Thursday 14th – Sunday 17th August 2014 at the Cistercian College, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. For young people aged 16-35, an opportunity not to be missed to experience the Catholic faith and meet many new people. This Festival has been nicknamed the 'Holy Oxygen' with over 1000 young people from all corners of Ireland attending last year. The festival is donation only. Free buses available from towns throughout Ireland. For more information and to book online see or phone 01-6753690.

Barnardos Children’s Charity are looking for Team Leaders and Collectors to help coordinate collections for Barnardos throughout Roscommon on Friday September 19th and help raise €100,000 for disadvantaged children and their families in communities around Ireland. For more information contact Sarah on 1850 222 300 or email Any help you could give in this regard would be greatly appreciated.