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Sunday, 15 February 2015

Newsletter - Sunday 15th February 2015

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 14th 8pm: Judith Townsend (née Babs Griffin)
Sunday 15th 10am: Patrick & Ellen Shine, Drumlosh
Tuesday 17th 7pm: Special Intentions
Wednesday 18th 7pm: Mass for the sick
Thursday 19th 7pm: Dan, Mary and Maureen O’Connor and deceased members of the O’Connor family, Kielty
Friday 20th 7pm: John & Kathleen Grenham, Curraghaleen
Saturday 21st 10.30am: James McManus, Clonrulla (Month’s Mind)
Saturday 21st 8pm: Frank Lennon, and his parents Thomas and Elizabeth, Creggane
Sunday 22nd 10am: Johnny Naughton, Clonellan

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 15th 11am: Johnny Hynes and deceased family members, Curraghnaboll
Sunday 22nd 11am: Deceased members of the Shine family, Curraghnaboll

Monksland Area Mass
Sunday 22nd at 11am in Monksland Commnity Centre. All welcome.

Rest In Peace
Michael Berrigan, Clonark
Bridie Harney, Curraghaleen
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam.

Joe Liam Derwin
Céad míle fáilte! Congratulations to his parents.

Céadaoin an Luaithrigh agus An Carghas
Ash Wednesday and Lent

Ash Wednesday is a day of Fast and Abstinence and the beginning of the season of Lent. Ahses will be distributed after the 7pm Mass in Drum and during the 7.30am, 9.30am & 7.30pm Masses in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church.

St. Joseph's Primary School, Summerhill
Information evening for parents on Tuesday 24th February from 7-9pm with Principal's address at 8pm. For more information call 090-6492037.

Confirmation Programme
For candidates from Ardkeenan, Cornafulla and Summerhill national schools will continue in Drum Parish Hall on Thursday 19th February at 7.30pm.

Ardkeenan N.S. Table Quiz
Will take place on Thursday 26th February at 8pm in Athlone Springs Hotel, Monksland. Table of 4: €40. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Computers for Absolute Beginners
Free "BeneFIT 4" course run by Galway Roscommon ETB Adult Education Service starts on Wednesday 18th February 7–9pm in the Involve Centre (behind Pat McDonnell Paints), Monksland. Contact Marian Gavagan, co-ordinator 087-9841001.

Spring Stations
Anyone who would like to host the Station Mass this spring can contact Drum Parish Office 090-6437125 to arrange a date and time.

Vocations Discernment Workshop
The Diocese of Elphin is holding a vocations discernment workshop on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th February in the Star of the Sea Retreat Centre, Mullaghmore, Co Sligo. For more information, download the brochure on the Diocese of Elphin website.

Trócaire Lenten Campaign
Envelopes containing Trócaire Fast Boxes are available at the back of the churches. Every home is asked to bring one and support Trócaire in helping people to make a living so that they can escape poverty.

Rac agus Filíocht 2
Live music and poetry in Irish for Seachtain na Gaeilge. Free event open to all takes place in Aidan Heavey Public Library, Athlone on Thursday 6th March at 6pm. Hosted by Athlone Community Radio 88.4fm in association with Bhí Mé Anseo Publications. Enquiries to Eugene 086-2140073.

Marist Monster Auction
Sunday 8th March at 2pm in the Marist College, Retreat Road, Athlone. Donations of good quality antiques, furniture, bicycles, exercise machines, fuel, toys, electronics, tools and office furniture, etc, are being sought. Pre-arranged pick up service available, or donations can be dropped off at the Marist College on Saturday 21st February from 2-4pm. Enquiries 087-6201532.