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Sunday, 29 March 2015

Newsletter - Sunday 29th March 2015

Domhnach na Pailme agus An tSeachtain Mhór
Palm Sunday and Holy Week

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 28th 8pm: John Joe Meares, Curryroe
Sunday 29th 10am: Catherine Higgins, Curryroe
Tuesday 31st 8pm: Holy Hour
Thursday 2nd 7pm: Holy Thursday - Our Lord's Supper - People of the Parish
Friday 3rd 3pm: Good Friday - Passion of Our Lord
Friday 3rd 7.30pm: Prayer around the Cross
Saturday 4th 8pm: Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil - People of the Parish
Sunday 5th 10am: Easter Sunday - People of the Parish

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 29th 11am: Ann & Tom O'Brien, Oldtown
Thursday 2nd 8pm: Holy Thursday - Our Lord's Supper
Friday 3rd 3pm: Good Friday - Passion of Our Lord
Saturday 4th 8pm: Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil
Sunday 5th 11am: Easter Sunday - Kathleen Shine (1st anniversary)

Countryside Drag Hunt
Charity Hunt in aid of Join Our Boys Trust on Sunday 29th March, meeting point Millar's Bar, Ballydangan at 11.30am. Registration fee: €40 per adult, €20 per child. Hot food and auction afterwards in the pub. For information contact: Paul 087-2374192 or Annette 087-6986436. Please support.

Penitential Rite
Monday 30th March at 7.30pm in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church.

Progressive 25 Card Game
Drum Apostolic Work card game in aid of our Missionaries will be held in the Clann na nGael Clubhouse, Johnstown on Monday 30th March at 9pm. Numerous food hampers to be raffled on the night. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Outdoor Stations of the Cross
On Good Friday 3rd April through the streets of Athlone starting at 12 noon from St. Mary's Church and finishing at Ss. Peter & Paul's Church.

Easter Bingo in Drum this Good Friday night
Drum Bingo will host an Easter special in Drum Community Centre on Good Friday night at 8.30pm. Doors open at 8pm. Usual cash prizes to be won, plus 24 Easter Eggs to be given away on the night. Monster raffle also. Everybody welcome.

Drum Clonown Community Games
Swimming will take place on Friday 3rd April at 6.15pm in Athlone Regional Sports Centre. Registration takes place at 5.45pm. Entry €2 per event per child. Also our Annual Church Gate collection takes place on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th April at Drum and Clonown Churches. We would like to thank you for your support in the past.

National Pilgrim Paths Day
Pilgrim Walk to Clonmacnoise on Holy Saturday 4th April following An tSlí Mhór. Walk from Clonbonny (10am) and return by bus or cycle from Ballycumber village (1pm). Inter-denominational service at 3pm. For further details contact Fred on 087-2128842 or visit

Multiple Sclerosis Church Gate Collection
Will be held at Drum and Clonown churches on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th April. Your support would be much appreciated.

Easter Envelopes and Easter Cards
Will be distributed to each home in the parish during the coming week by your local area collector/distributor. If there is no distributor in your area, envelopes and cards will be available at the back of the Church. Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated.

Holy Week Chrism Mass
All are welcome to attend the Chrism Mass on Wednesday 1st April at 7.30pm in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo. During the mass, Bishop Kevin Doran will bless the oils used in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders and the Sick, and the priests of the diocese will renew their commitment to priestly ministry. Light refreshments served afterwards in the Gillooly Hall.

Consultation on Catholic Education in the West Athlone area
The Diocese of Elphin wishes to consult the Catholic community as to how they believe the diocese should engage with the various stakeholders in education regarding the future of Catholic education in the West Athlone area.
-Does the Catholic community in this area support the idea of Catholic education at primary and post-primary level, with all this involves? (See Bishop Kevin Doran's pastoral letter A Future Full of Hope)
-Is the Catholic community open to considering a vision for primary education in the area which respects the need for facilitating diversity?
-Is the Catholic community willing to join the Bishop in developing a vision for post-primary education for all the boys and girls of the area to ensure that they have a school, or schools, which can fully cater for the needs of the 21st century and beyond?
If you wish to take part in the consultation, you may make a submission in writing. Please sign your submission and send it before 7th April 2015 to the Elphin Diocesan Office, St. Mary's, Temple Street, Sligo.