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Thursday, 12 June 2008

B.Sc. Rural Development @ NUI Galway

Degree/Diploma in Rural Development from the National University of Ireland Galway.

Now is your opportunity to study, by distance learning for that Diploma/Degree you always wanted!

Commence study in September 2008 and following the successful completion of 2 years study students will be awarded a Diploma in Rural Development and may advance to a further 2 years of study when they will receive a B.Sc. in Rural Development.

The course of study requires:
  1. Attendance at NUI Galway for 6/7 Saturday Workshops between September and April where you will interact with the other students.
  2. Complete an assignment on the topic covered during the workshop.
  3. All course material will be available on Blackboard which is the university intranet and which may be accessed from your home.
  4. No exams during the first 2 years; continuous assessment only.
For further details please contact Maureen Mescall in NUI Galway.
Tel. 087 7981788