Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 16th 8pm: John Henry & parents Mary Ann & John, Johnstown
Sunday 17th 10am: Mary Harney (Dan’s), Crannaghmore
Thursday 21st 7pm: Mrs. Bridget Duignan, Clonellan
Friday 22nd 7pm: Patrick Curley, Clonellan
Saturday 23rd 8pm: Edward McManus, Nure and his parents John & Margaret
Sunday 25th 10am: John, Bridie & Pat Halligan, Collogorriff
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 17th 11am: Tom Lennon
Sunday 24th 11am: P.J. Killian
Caitlin Mary Moran
Sincere Thanks
To our Parishioners who contributed so generously to our Christmas Collection. Thanks also to all who took part in all the ceremonies, prepared our Churches and helped out in any way.
Drum Spring Stations
Will commence after Ash Wednesday on 17th February and finish on Saturday 27th March (the weekend before Holy Week). We appreciate all who have already contacted Drum Parish Office and would encourage those who have committed themselves to hosting the Station Mass in their home for their area to please contact us at 090-6437125. If the tradition has died out in your area, why not restart it by hosting it yourself! Contact the office for more details.
Kiltoom Drama Pantomime
Production of Little Red Riding Hood in Kiltoom Parish Hall on Thursday 14th to Sunday 17th January at 8pm with matinee on Sunday at 3pm. For bookings please telephone 087-9014279.
Passionfruit Theatre
'Bombshells' - a dramatic comedy presented by Jasango Theatre Co. on Friday, 22nd January at 8.30pm in Passionfruit Theatre. Tickets €15/€12 concession. Bookings at 086-3338457
Secondary School Open Days & Enrolment
- St. Joseph's College, Summerhill (girls): Thursday 28th January, 7-9pm. Enrolment by appointment. For further info. Contact Mr. Liam Nally, Principal, 090-6492383 or email: info@summerhillathlone.com
- St. Aloysius College (boys): Thursday 21st January at 7pm for all 6th class students and their parents/guardians. Enrolment will take place on open night or at any time by appointment with the principal. All welcome.
- Our Lady's Bower (girls): Thursday 21st January at 6pm.
- Marist College (boys): Monday 25th January at 7.30pm. Enrolment also on Saturday 30th January 10am-2pm. Assessment Test on Saturday 6th February 10am-12pm. Enquiries to the principal, Mr. Thomas Blaine, telephone 090-6474491 or email tbmarist@gmail.com
- Athlone Community College (boys & girls): Monday 16th January at 7pm for all 6th class students and their parents/guardians. All are welcome.
CURA Cares
Unexpected pregnancy is hard to face. Cura seeks volunteers. If you are interested in crisis pregnancy counselling please come along to an information evening in Clonmacnois Room, St. Mary's Presbytery on Thursday 28th January at 7.30pm. For further information telephone 090-6474272 between 11am-1pm Monday & Wednesday and 6-7pm Monday to Friday or email curaathlone@eircom.net