Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 2nd 8pm: Pat & Ann Cunniffe, Thomastown
Sunday 3rd 10am: Mary Ann Lennon, Meehambee
Tuesday 5th 7pm: Pake Lennon, Doohan
Thursday 7th 7pm: Sally Lennon, Kilmacormack
Friday 8th 7pm: John & Mary Naughton, Clonellan
Friday 8th 7.30pm: Ardnanure Station Mass in the home of Jackie & Willie McManus
Saturday 9th 10am: Crannaghmore Station Mass in the home of Mary Murray
Saturday 9th 9pm: Willie Berrigan, Clonark
Sunday 10th 10am: Patrick Caulfield & the Cunniffe family
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 3rd 11am: John Ward, Curnaboll
Sunday 10th 11am: Jack Ward
Rest in Peace
James Gilligan, 35 Cedarwood Drive, Monksland.
Penelope Murphy, Béal an Mhuirthead, Co. Mayo (sister of Bríd O'Connor, Summerhill and Sr. Regina)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam
Athlone Methodist Church Harvest Service
Will be held today Sunday 3rd October at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church, Northgate Street. We warmly invite everyone to come along the Service, especially those who have never visited the church before. The preacher will be Fr. John Coughlan (formerly of Ss. Peter & Paul's Parish). Tea and fellowship afterwards. All welcome. Please come and bring a friend.
Drum Heritage Group
Short meeting on Monday 4th October at 8.30pm in Heritage Centre. All members requested to attend.
Drum Active Aged Group
Meeting this Tuesday 4th October at 3pm in Drum Parish Hall.
The story of Fr. James Coyle
Sharon Davies, a Law Professor at Ohio State University, will give a talk on the life of Drum native Fr. James Coyle who "died for the faith" in Alabama almost 90 years ago. Takes place in Drum Parish Hall on Tuesday 5th October at 7.30pm. All welcome. More information available at www.drum.ie
Céilí & Barn Dancing Classes
Starting in Drum Community Centre on Thursday nights from 8-10pm. All welcome, male and female. Contact Michael at 090-6494425 or 083-0030902.
Thank You
Brainwave (The Irish Epilepsy Association) wish to thank the people of Drum and Clonown for their generous contributions of €788.50 at their annual church gate collection.
Fund-raising for Concert
In aid of Roscommon/Mayo Palliative Care Service will be held in Shine's Pub on Friday 8th October. Music by Christy Moore Tribute Show. Tickets €10 available from Shine's or from Deirdre 087-7706609 or Yvonne 087-1219168. Prizes galore.
Friary Social
Will take place in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel on Friday 8th October at 8.30pm. Tickets €18 available at the Friary Office.
Altar Society
Parishoners wishing to be involved in the Altar Society are invited to contact either of the following: Sacristy 090-6494150, Parish Office 090-6492171 or Fr. Vincent McDevitt 090-6490575.