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Please note this site contains archived newsletters and is not currently being updated. The Parish of Saints Peter & Paul - Athlone, Drum & Clonown now has its own website at

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Newsletter - Sunday 21st November 2010

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 20th 8pm: Pat & Mary Ellen Duignan, Doohan
Sunday 21st 10am: Patrick Murray
Tuesday 23rd 7pm: Paddy, John, Patrick & Anne Murray, Curraghaleen
7pm: Johnny Dunning Jnr., Ardkeenan
Friday 26th 7pm: Mass for the faithful departed of the Parish
Saturday 27th 8pm: Nicola & Paddy Kelly
Sunday 28th 10am: Eamonn Griffin, Ardkeenan

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 21st 11am: John, Bridget & Patrick Halligan
Sunday 28th 11am: James & Mary Egan and deceased family members

Weekly Offering Envelopes
This coming week the Parish collectors/distributors will be delivering the weekly offering envelopes to each home. The Parish wishes to thank them most sincerely for giving so generously of their time and also for their help throughout the year. Sincere thanks also to you the parishioners for your continued support and generosity.

Thank You
Roscommon Association for People with Special Needs wish to extend a sincere thanks to the communities of Drum and Clonown for their generosity at their recent church gate collection. The sum of €1375 was collected. Thanks and appreciation to the people who distributed the envelopes and to those who manned the church gates for each mass.

Clann na nGael AGMs
Minor Board AGM on Tuesday 23rd November at 8pm. Ladies Football Board AGM on Friday 26th November at 8pm. Both meetings will be held in the Clubhouse, Johnstown. Everyone welcome, members and parents are requested to attend.

Open Evening and Enrolment
S. Joseph's College, Summerhill will hold their open evening for 2011 enrolment on Thursday 25th November from 7-9pm. For further information contact 090-6492383 or email

Kiltoom Drama Group
Presents 'Not Now Darling' by Ray Cooney & John Chapman from Thursday 25th to Sunday 28th November at 8pm each night in Kiltoom Parish Hall.

Prayer and Reflection in Advent
In preparation for Christmas, the Parish is organising prayer and reflection meetings. For further information contact 090-6492171. The following are the times and venues for the meetings:
-Tuesdays at Monksland Community Centre commencing Tuesday 30th at 7pm;
-Wednesdays at St. Peter's Presbytery, Deerpark Road commencing Wednesday 24th at 8pm;
-Thursdays in Clonown commencing Thursday 25th at 8pm;
-Fridays in the Liturgical Centre commencing Friday 26th from 7.30-8.30pm.