Saturday 12th 8pm: Phoebe & John Duignan, Doohan
Sunday 13th 10am: Pakie & Michael Harney, Clonrulla
Tuesday 15th 7pm: Thomas & Delia Murray, Creggane
Tuesday 15th 8pm: Doohan Station Mass in the home of Mary & Pat Naughton
Wednesday 16th 8pm: Joe Duignan, Clonellan
Thursday 17th 10am: St. Patrick's Day: P.J. Lawless, Cornafulla South
Friday 18th 7.30pm: John & Lena Finnerty, Ardkeenan South
Saturday 19th 10am: Crannaghmore Station Mass in the home of Michael & Jacqueline Naughton
Saturday 19th 8pm: James Henry, Mount Florence
Sunday 20th 10am: Michael & Bridie Naughton, Culfada
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 13th 11am: Johnny & Annie Egan, Curraghnaboll
Thursday 17th 11am: St. Patrick's Day: Mary Henry, Carricknaughton
Sunday 20th 11am: Mass
Rest in Peace
Pat Shiel, Baylough
Stephen Gannon, Carnagh, Kiltoom (brother of Joe Gannon, Belrea, Drum)
Julia Killian, Moynure and Dublin
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam
Lá 'le Pádraig
St. Patrick's Day is a holy day of obligation. Mass times as follows:
- Drum: Wednesday (Vigil) 8pm, Thursday 10am
- Clonown: Thursday 11am
- Ss. Peter & Paul's: Wednesday (Vigil) 6.30pm, Thursday 9.30am and 12pm only
Seachtain na Gaeilge
- Cupán Tae in Drum Community Centre this Sunday, 13 March from 10.30am to 1pm. Also includes art display from the children of Naíonra Réalta Geala. Come along for a cupán tae and speak a cúpla focal, regardless of how much or little Irish you have. Fáilte roimh chách.
- Traditional Music in Athlone Library on Wednesday 16th March at 11am and again from 3-5pm. Music by schoolchildren and local musicians.
Clann na nGael
Registraion day for boys and girls in the Clubhouse, Johnstown from 12-1pm on Sunday 20 March. Tea and snacks served. Please take this opportunity to register yourself and/or your child.
Drum Heritage Table Quiz
Takes place this Friday 18th March at 8.30pm in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel. A great night is assured.
Trócaire Lenten Campaign
Trócaire Fast Boxes are available at the back of the church. Every home is asked to bring one and support Trócaire in helping people to make a living so that they can escape poverty.
Parish Bingo
Takes place this Sunday night 13th March in the Dean Crowe Theatre and Fair Green National School starting at 8pm sharp.
Irish Farmers Association
Meeting on Tuesday 15th March at 8.30pm in Hannon's Hotel, Roscommon. Guest speaker: Michael Doran, Chairman National Livestock Committee.
Athlone Community Radio 88.4FM
Interview with Fr. Brian Allen OFM of the Friary this Sunday 13th March (Part 2) at 3pm.
Lenten Prayer Group
Every Wednesday at 8pm during Lent in Monksland Community Centre. For further information contact the Parish Office at 090-6492171.