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Please note this site contains archived newsletters and is not currently being updated. The Parish of Saints Peter & Paul - Athlone, Drum & Clonown now has its own website at

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Newsletter - Sunday 17th July 2011

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 16th 8pm: Patrick Seery, Clonellan
Sunday 17th 10am: Mary, John & Pat Hynes, Johnstown
Tuesday 19th 7pm: Thomas & Mary Lennon, Clonbulia
Thursday 21st 7pm: Janette Harney, Cookstown
Friday 22nd 8pm: Owen McManus, Belrea
Saturday 23rd 1.20pm: Marriage of Linda Dunning & Michael Moriarty
Saturday 23rd 8pm: Joe & Mary Harney, Rockfield
Sunday 24th 10am: Paul Delaney, Westwood

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 17th 11am: Jimmy Dunning and his sister Maureen, Togher
Sunday 24th 11am: Ned & Mary Egan, Callowbeg

Rest in Peace
Mary McManus (nee Murray), Drumlosh
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam

Drum Heritage Group
Coach tour to the historic medieval city of Kilkenny on Sunday 24th July. Coach departs Summerhill at 8am. Bookings with coach fee €15 to any member of the committee before Wednesday 20th July.

Clann na nGael Museum
The museum committee would appreciate any interesting memorabilia that any members might have for display in the museum for the upcoming 75th celebrations. All items will be lovingly cared for and returned on request to donor. Anyone willing to contribute to the museum can contact Tony Whyte or any member of the committee.

Elphin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Anyone wishing to travel to Lourdes with the pilgrimage can contact Fr. Ray Milton in Drum Parish Office 090-6437125 for a booking form. The pilgrimage, under the leadership of Bishop Jones, departs Knock on Sunday 28th August and returns Friday 2nd September. Fully inclusive price €677 for 5 nights full board.

Drum Walking Group
Roscommon Sports Partnership have a new walking group on Mondays at 7.30pm at Drum Community Centre. This is a new initiative for anyone interested in the fresh air and outdoors, while getting fit and keeping healthy at the same time! Anyone can join us with no costs involved. All are welcome.