Saturday 12th 8pm: John McManus, Nure and his parents Mai & Pake
Sunday 13th 10am: Maura O’Neill, late of Mount Hussey
Tuesday 15th 7pm: Mass for the faithful departed
Wednesday 16th 7pm: Mary O’Neill, Summerhill
Thursday 17th 7pm: Kathleen Harney, Rooskey and deceased family members
Friday 18th 7pm: Una and Victor Fagg
Saturday 19th 8pm: Tomsie Murray, Gorrynagowna
Sunday 20th 10am: Gemma Henry, Clonellan
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 13th 11am: Fr. Michael Dunning (6th Anniversary)
Sunday 20th 11am: Louise Gavin and deceased members of the Byrne family
Rest in Peace
Mary Frances (Francie) Watson, Roscommon and late of Ardkeenan
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam
Pastoral Visitation
Bishop Christy Jones will be in the parish this coming Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th November for Parish Visitation. He will visit the sick and housebound as well as the primary schools. He will begin in the town area, including Monksland and Bealnamulla on Monday and he will be in the Drum area on Tuesday. Bishop Jones will be the chief celebrant at the 7.30pm Mass on Monday in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church and it is hoped that as many parishioners as possible will attend.
Clonown Community Table Quiz
Will be held in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel on Wednesday 16th November at 8pm. There will be lots of prizes on the night. Proceeds from the quiz will go to Clonown Community Site Project and Clonown Pastoral Group. Refreshments will be served. For further information, please contact Ann Dunning (087-2261096) or Paul Curley (086-3349585).
Rosary in the Cemetery
Clonown Cemetery: Sunday 13th immediately after 11am Mass.
Coosan Cemetery: Sunday 13th at 3.30pm.
Drum Cemetery: Sunday 27th at 10.45am.
Drum IFA Branch AGM
Will be held on Monday 28th November at 9pm in Drum Parish Hall. All members are requested to attend.
Monksland Area Mass
Will be held on Thursday 24th November (not on Thursday 17th as previously advertised).
St. Joseph's College, Summerhill |
Open evening and enrolment for 2012 will be held on Thursday 24th November at 7pm. For further information contact Liam Nally, Principal at 090-6492383 or visit
Kiltoom Drama Group
Celebrating 21 years with their production of My Wife's Family, in Kiltoom Parish Hall from Thursday 24th to Sunday 27th November at 8pm nightly.
Thank You
St. Vincent de Paul would like to thank all who contributed generously to their bag packing in Dunnes Stores last weekend. A special word of gratitude to the volunteers who supervised/worked at the bag packing. A total of €5,329 was collected in Athlone.
Eucharistic Adoration
Please consider a weekly hour before the Blessed Sacrament. Adorers urgently needed for Wednesday 1pm or Saturday 2pm. Please contact Liturgical Centre, Castle Street at 090-6498755.
Deirdre Munnelly optometrist now open in Monksland opposite Smith's SuperValu. MC and PRSI welcome. Phone 090-6496001.