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Sunday, 27 November 2011

Newsletter - Sunday 27th November 2011

An Chéad Domhnach den Aidbhint
First Sunday of Advent

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 26th 8pm: Sister Margaret Lennon, Curryore
Sunday 27th 10am: Thomas Naughton, Clonark
Sunday 27th 10.45am: Rosary in Drum Cemetery
Tuesday 29th 7pm: John & Annie McManus, Nure, also Joe Nolan
Wednesday 30th 7pm: Mass for the faithful departed
Friday 2nd 7pm: Paddy & Bridie Moore, Meehambe
Saturday 3rd 11am: Francis Watson, Roscommon and late of Ardkeenan (Month's Mind)
Saturday 3rd 8pm: Anna May Bruce
Sunday 4th 10am: Paddy & Elizabeth Halligan, Crannaghbeg

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 27th 11am: James & Mary Egan and deceased family members, Curraghnaboll
Sunday 4th 11am: P.J. & Mossey Curley and deceased family members

Charlie Alexander Ritchie
Congratulations to his parents.

Drum Branch Apostolic Workers
Annual coffee morning, cake sale, sale of work and mission display in Drum Parish Hall on Sunday 27th November, immediately following Rosary in cemetery at 10.45am. Please support our own missionaries at work in foreign countries.

Drum IFA Branch AGM
Will be held on Monday 28th November at 9pm in Drum Parish Hall. All members are requested to attend.

Clann na nGael
Ladies football training every Wednesday evening in Drum Community Centre, from 6-7pm for under 8s and under 10s, and from 7-8pm for under 12s.

Free Certified FETAC Level 3 Course
Covering Career Planning, Personal Development and IT, 3 sessions per week in Monksland - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10am-1pm (3 places available) and 1.30-4.30pm (5 places available). Starting immediately and running until April 2012. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis. Contact Stephanie on 090-6634189.

Advent Prayer Group
"Taking our hearts to the Lord" continuing on Tuesday 29th November at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre and again on Tuesday 6th December at 8pm.

Healthy Christmas Cookery Demonstration
Organised by St. Joseph's College Parents' Association will be held in the college, Summerhill on Thursday 1st December at 8pm. Tickets €10. Contact 087-691189 for further information.

Transition Year Musical
Students of St. Joseph's College, Summerhill and St. Aloysius' College, The Park present "The Emperor's New Clothes" on Wednesday 7th, Thursday 8th and Friday 9th December at 7.30pm in Summerhill. Tickets €10 or €5 for OAPs/children.

Eucharistic Adoration
Please consider a weekly hour before the Blessed Sacrament. Adorers urgently needed for Monday 3am, Monday 7am, Thursday 9am, Thursday 4pm, Friday 3pm, Friday 4pm. Please contact Liturgical Centre, Castle Street at 090-6498755.

Dysart Rural Men's Group
Launching their 2012 Heritage Calendar in association with Roscommon Leader Partnership on Wednesday 30th November at 7pm in Dysart Community Centre. Please support. All are welcome.

Athlone Choral Society
Present an Advent & Christmas Concert in aid of Midland Simon Community in Corpus Christi Church, Mount Temple on Friday 2nd December at 8pm. Tickets available on the night or contact Irene Keenan on 087-9601200.

Samaritans Annual Christmas Concert
On Thursday 8th December at 8pm in St. Anthony's Friary, featuring Army Band, Baritone Derek Ryan and Anam. Tickets €10 and available at Musicworld, Golden Island and the Castle Gift Shop, The Square. The Samaritans are a totally voluntary organisation dedicated to befriending the anxious, lonely, the despairing and the suicidal or anyone who is troubled and just needs to talk to someone in complete confidence. They are available 24 hours a day at 1850-609090.

Dean Kelly School Memories
Book can be purchased at Dean Kelly N.S. for €20. For further information telephone 090-6492000.