Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 11th 8pm: John Brien, Creggane
Sunday 12th 10am: Kilroy family, Clonbulia
Tuesday 14th 7pm: Annie Kenny, Taylorstown
Wednesday 15th 7pm: John Dunning (Senior), Ardkeenan
Thursday 16th 7pm: Kathleen Merrigan, Clonark
Friday 17th 7pm: Annie Kilroy, Clonbulia
Saturday 18th 8pm: Frank Lennon, Creggane
Sunday 19th 10am: Special Intentions
Drum Collection
Sunday 5th February: €1,514.55.
Thank you for your weekly contributions for the upkeep of the church.
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 12th 11am: Deceased members of the Dunning family, Buggane
Sunday 19th 11am: Mass
Clonown Collections
Sunday 5th February: €183.00.
Church Restoration Fund: €196.00.
Monksland Area Mass
Thursday 16th February at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre. All welcome.
Finan Christopher Bigley
Céad Míle Fáilte! Congratulations to his parents
Rest in Peace
Martin Gallagher, St. Coman's Park
Vera McGovern, Retreat Heights, Athlone (mother of David McGovern, Cornafulla North)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam
Community Games Talent Show
Drum Clonown Community Games are holding a Talent Show in Drum Parish Hall on Wednesday 15th February commencing at 7pm. All are welcome.
Fitness Classes in Drum
'Tighten & tone' workout classes on Wednesday evenings from 6.15-7pm in Drum Community Centre. All fitness levels and age groups welcome. €6 per class. Please call Hazel on 087-9345861 for more information.
Coffee Morning
In aid of Ss. Peter & Paul's Church Restoration Fund on Friday 17th February from 10am-1pm in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, Athlone. Raffle on the day. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Computer Training for Older People
Transition Year students in St. Joseph's College, Summerhill are offering free, one to one computer training for those aged 55 and over. Places limited. To sign up, contact 090-6492383.
Drum Heritage Group
Annual Table Quiz on Friday 9th March at 8.30pm in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel.
Irish Classes
Irish language classes on Tuesday nights at 8pm in Knights of Columbanus Hall, St. Mary's Square. All welcome.
Athlone Arts Group
Annual general meeting will be held on Wednesday 15th February at 8pm in Knights of Columbanus Hall, St. Mary's Square. New members welcome.
Samaritans - Volunteers
Have you 3 hours per week to spare? Athlone Midlands Samaritans are holding an information evening for prospective new volunteers in Shamrock Lodge Hotel at 8pm on Monday 13th February and Thursday 16th February. For further information contact athlonesamaritans@gmail.com
50th International Eucharistic Congress
The parish has been allocated just 15 tickets for the final Mass of the Congress, the Missa Statio Orbis which will be celebrated in Croke Park on Sunday 17th June 2012. If you would like to be included in the draw for a ticket, please contact Brenda in the Parish Office 090-6492171 before Monday 13th February. Tickets are €13 each but will be paid for by the parish.
Prayer Group for Lent
Fr. Michael is hoping to hold a Prayer Meeting upstairs in Drum Parish Hall every Tuesday during Lent. If you are interested please contact Drum Parish Office 090-6437125 as soon as possible as we need to order prayer books in advance.
Spring Stations
Those who wish to host a station mass in their home this spring are invited to contact Drum Parish Office to book a date and time.
Revisiting the Mass & Eucharistic
Adoration with Fr. Michael Drumm in The Abbey Hotel, Roscommon on Saturday 25th February from 10am-3pm. All welcome. Cost €25 with lunch or €10 without lunch. For more information contact Justin 087-6171526 or justin@elphindiocese.ie