Saturday 18th 8pm: Frank Lennon, Creggane
Sunday 19th 10am: Special Intentions
Wednesday 22nd 7pm: Ash Wednesday: Mass for the people of the parish
Thursday 23rd 7pm: Johnny Naughton, Clonellan
Friday 24th 7pm: Martin McManus, Drumlosh
Saturday 25th 11am: Harry Connor, Clonark (Month's Mind)
Saturday 25th 8pm: Eamon McManus, Rooskey
Sunday 26th 10am: Kathleen & Patrick O’Neill and deceased family members, Mount Hussey
Drum Collection
Sunday 12th February: €1,351.70.
Thank you for your weekly contributions for the upkeep of the church.
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 19th 11am: Mass
Sunday 26th 11am: Johnny Hynes, Curraghnaboll
Clonown Collections
Sunday 12th February: €170.00.
Church Restoration Fund: €190.00.
Rest in Peace
Michael Dinnen, Galway (nephew of Pat Keena, Cornafulla and Agnes O’Brien, Creggane)
James Kinahan, Ballycumber (brother of Teresa Fallon, Summerhill)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam
Céadaoin an Luaithrigh agus Carghas
Ash Wednesday and Lent
The season of Lent begins this Wednesday 22nd February. It is a special period of preparation for our celebration of Easter. Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. Ashes will be distributed during all masses on Wednesday.
Basket Collectors
Volunteers are required to do the basket collection at the 10am mass in Drum each Sunday. Please contact the Drum parish office at 090-6437125 if interested. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Trócaire Lenten Campaign
Envelopes containing Trócaire Fast Boxes are available at the back of the churches from Ash Wednesday. Every home is asked to bring one and support Trócaire in helping people to make a living so that they can escape poverty.
Lenten Prayer Groups
Every Tuesday during Lent with the theme 'Taking our hearts to the Lord' at the following locations and times:
-Sr. Bernard's home at 10.30am;
-Fr. Seán O'Dowd's house, Deerpark Road at 8pm;
-Monksland Community Centre at 8pm commencing Tuesday 21st February;
-Drum Parish Hall commencing Tuesday 28th February.
For further information contact the Parish Office at 090-6492171 or Drum Parish Office 090-6437125.
Drum Active Age Group
A community care officer will be in attendance at this week's meeting on Tuesday at 3pm in Drum Parish Hall.
Drum Cemetery Voluntary Group AGM
Annual General Meeting takes place on Wednesday 22nd February at 8.30pm in Drum Parish Hall. New members welcome.
Cornafulla N.S. Enrolment
Open night and enrolment for Monsignor McCarthy Memorial National School, Cornafulla takes place in the school on Thursday 23rd February from 6.30-8pm or contact the school any day 9.30am–3.00pm on 090-6437177.
Drum Heritage Group
Meeting on Thursday 23rd February at 8.30pm in the Visitor Centre. All members requested to attend. Also, Annual Table Quiz on Friday 9th March at 8.30pm in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel.
‘Thanksgiving Mass’ in Ardkeenan National School at 12 noon on Friday 24th February to celebrate Ita Brennan’s retirement. All parents and pupils, past and present, are welcome.
Community Games Draughts Training
For all girls/boys under 10 and under 12. If you are interested in Draughts please contact Joanne Colgan at 087-9137608.
Fitness Classes in Drum
'Tighten & tone' workout classes on Wednesday evenings from 6.15-7pm in Drum Community Centre. All fitness levels and age groups welcome. €6 per class. Please call Hazel on 087-9345861 for more information.
Coffee Morning
Monksland Active Age are hosting a coffee morning in aid of cancer care in Friday 24th February from 10.30am-1.30pm in the Radisson Hotel. Pleas support.
Thank You
The Parish Finance Committee wish to acknowledge with grateful thanks and appreciation recent donations of €4000, €300 and €200 towards our Church Maintenance Fund. Go raibh míle maith agaibh.
Computer Training for Older People
Transition Year students in St. Joseph's College, Summerhill are offering free, one to one computer training for those aged 55 and over. Places limited. To sign up, contact 090-6492383.
Irish Classes
Irish language classes on Tuesday nights at 8pm in Knights of Columbanus Hall, St. Mary's Square. All welcome.
Athlone Little Theatre
Presents 'The Beauty Queen of Leenane' from Sunday 26th February to Friday 2nd March. Bookings at 090-6474324.
Revisiting the Mass & Eucharistic
Adoration with Fr. Michael Drumm in The Abbey Hotel, Roscommon on Saturday 25th February from 10am-3pm. All welcome. Cost €25 with lunch or €10 without lunch. For more information contact Justin 087-6171526 or
Primary Care Adult Mental Health Practitioner
Feeling low, worried, anxious? The Primary Care Adult Mental Health Services in Roscommon Town operate a Free Walk-in Clinic open Tuesday to Thursday 2-4pm. Speak to a Mental Health Practitioner without an appointment. The Clinic is situated at the Psychology Department on Abbey Street, Roscommon. Contact number 090-6627091.