Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 14th 8pm: Mary McManus, Drumlosh
Sunday 15th 10am: Michael McManus, Clonark
Saturday 21st 8pm: Patrick Seery, Clonellan
Sunday 22nd 10am: Tom & Mary Hynes and deceased family members, Johnstown
Drum Collection
Sunday 8th July: €1,097.00.
Thank you for your weekly contributions for the upkeep of the church.
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 15th 11am: Jimmy & Maureen Dunning, Togher
Sunday 22nd 11am: Tommy & Mai Curley, Togher
Clonown Collections
Sunday 8th July: €441.00.
Church Restoration Fund: €404.00.
Rest in Peace
Teresa Gunning, Johnstown
Kathleen Nicholson, Cornafulla South
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam
Drum Apostolic Workers
Annual church gate collection will be held at St. Brigid's Church, Drum next weekend 21st-22nd July. our support for our missionaries would be very much appreciated.
Drum Heritage Group
Meeting will be held on Thursday 19th July at 8.30pm in the Heritage Centre.
Fr. Denis Gavin - Golden Jubilee
Fr. Denis Gavin wishes to thank the Clonown Pastoral Committee for organising a beautiful Mass Liturgy and presentation to honour his Golden Jubilee of ordination to the Priesthood. Thanks also to the choir, sacristan Willie Shine, the Priests of the parish and Concelebrants and all those who attended the celebrations. Thanks also to the people who supplied the refreshments and those who took care of the decorations in Clonown Community Centre.
Drum Walking Group
Meet at Drum Community Centre on Mondays at 7.30pm. This is for anyone interested in the fresh air and outdoors, while getting fit and keeping healthy at the same time! Anyone can join us with no costs involved. All are welcome.
Elphin Diocesan Lourdes Assisted Pilgrims Fund
Thank you to all who supported the recent church gate collection at Ss. Peter & Paul's, Drum and Clonown churches. A total of €1,696.33 was collected. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Traditional Irish Music, Singing and Dancing
Every Thursday night from 7-8pm for the summer in Passionfruit Theatre, Northgate Street, Athlone. Suitable for all ages. No booking necessary. Admission €7 / concession. Young children free of charge.
The Carers Association, Roscommon
Invite you to their 24/7 event for family carers and the person they care for. It takes place on 24th July in Kilbride Community Centre, Four Mile House and is called 24/7 given the date and month it takes place but most importantly to depict the 24 hours a day, 7 days a week people care. Children and Young Carers are encouraged to attend also with special fun events planned. Mass at 12 noon celebrated by Bishop Jones, followed by refreshments/entertainment for the afternoon. Donation €5. RSVP to Alison on 086-7957086 before 15th July.
Marriage Jubilee Celebration
The Annual Diocesan Jubilee Celebration of Marriage will take place in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church, Athlone on Sunday 22nd July at 3pm with Mass celebrated by Bishop Jones. After Mass, there will be a buffet meal in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel.
Church Bollard
Please note that as and from Monday 16th July the bollard at the entrance to Ss. Peter & Paul's Church will be reactivated. This means it will only be lowered for all Mass times and religious services.
Eucharistic Adoration
Please consider a weekly hour before the Blessed Sacrament. Adorers needed for Monday 3am, Thursday 1am. Please contact Liturgical Centre, Castle Street: 090-6498755.