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Lá Fhéile Bríde Feast of St. Brigid 1 Feabhra/February |
Saturday 26th 8pm: Bridget Duignan, Clonellan
Sunday 27th 10am: Harry Connor, Clonark
Tuesday 29th 7pm: John, Bridie & Pat Halligan, Collogorriff
Wednesday 30th 7pm: Michael & Nora McManus, Ardnanure
Thursday 31st 7pm: Paddy & Bridie Lennon, Summerhill
Friday 1st 7pm: St. Brigid’s Day Celebration
Saturday 2nd 8pm: Paddy & Margaret Mulvey, Johnstown, and Jim Hynes
Sunday 3rd 10am: Tom & Mary Grenham, Gorrynagowna
Clonown Mass Intentions
Friday 1st 8pm: Paddy & Rose Dunning, Newtown
Sunday 3rd 11am: Willie & Nellie Shine, Curraghnaboll
Rest In Peace
Margaret Collins, Rooskey, Bealnamulla
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam
Lá Fhéile Bríde - Feast of Saint Brigid
Friday 1st February is the feast of Saint Brigid, which marks the beginning of spring. St. Brigid has always had a special connection with both Drum and Clonown. In the past people made St Brigid’s crosses from rushes and hung them in the outhouses in order to protect the animals from illness.
Spring Stations
Those who wish to host a station mass in their home this spring are invited to contact Drum Parish Office to book a date and time. The stations have been a tradition in the parish for generations and it would be lovely to see the tradition continue and restored for generations to come.
Clann na nGael Social
Annual social in Athlone Springs Hotel on Saturday 16th February. Tickets available from usual source or any committee member.
Transition Year Musical
Students of St. Joseph's College, Summerhill and St. Aloysius' College, The Park present "The Sleeping Beauty" on Wednesday 30th, Thursday 31st and Friday 1st at 8pm in Summerhill. Admission €10 or students €5. For bookings contact 090-6492383.
Dean Crowe Theatre presents The Field
Wednesday 30th at 1pm, Thursday 31st at 11am & 8pm, Friday 1st at 11am & 8pm. telephone 090-6492129 for details and bookings.
Irish Pilgrimage Trust
Annual church gate collection will be held next weekend Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd February. INCPT bring a group of local young people with special needs to Lourdes for one week at Easter. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
St. Aloysius Bowling Night
The Parents Association are having a bowling night in aid of St. Aloysius College on Friday 8th February starting at 7pm in Athlone Leisure World. Teams of four needed. Plenty of spot prizes and light refreshments on the night. All welcome especially past pupils and parents. Please contact 085-1745506 to enter your team or call on the night.
Permanent Diaconate
Are you interested in becoming a Permanent Deacon in the Diocese of Elphin? Applications are now being accepted from married and single men who may feel called to ministry as Permanent Deacons. The four year part-time training programme will begin in spring 2013. For further information or a conversation around the topic please contact the Director of the Permanent Diaconate, St. Mary's, Sligo on 071-9162670 or visit 'Vocations' on www.elphindiocese.ie. Closing date extended to Friday 8th February.
Drum Foróige Youth Club
All young people over 12 years are welcome to the Foróige Youth Club in Drum Parish Hall every Friday night commencing at 8pm New adult leaders most welcome.
Parish Ministry
Parish of Ss. Peter & Paul are looking for Eucharistic Ministers, Readers and Altar Servers. If you are interested or would like to nominate someone, please contact the Parish Office in Drum 090-6437125 or in Athlone 090-6492171 or call to the Sacristy.