Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 2nd 8pm: Paddy & Margaret Mulvey, Johnstown, and Jim Hynes
Sunday 3rd 10am: Tom & Mary Grenham, Gorrynagowna
Wednesday 6th 7pm: Kilroy Family, Clonbulia
Thursday 7th 7pm: John & Kathleen Grenham, Curraghaleen
Friday 8th 7pm: T.P. Kelly
Saturday 9th 8pm: Hugh Lennon and brothers, Clonellan
Sunday 10th 10am: Mary & Joe Duignan, Clonellan
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 3rd 11am: Willie & Nellie Shine, Curraghnaboll
Sunday 10th 11am: Deceased members of the Dunning family, Buggane
Niamh Mairead Maynard
Céad Míle Fáilte! Congratulations to her parents.
Rest In Peace
William Naughton, Clongowna, Bealnamulla
Edward (Ned) Kelly, Curnalee, Curraghboy (brother of John Kelly, Curraghaleen)
John Carr, England (brother of Cathy Fallon, Monksland)
Archbishop Joseph Cassidy, Ballinasloe and formerly Moore, retired Bishop of Tuam
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam
St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr
The Feast of St. Blaise is falling on a Sunday (3rd February) and is not celebrated this year. However, blessing of throats will take place after Mass and also on Sunday evening at 6pm in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church.
Spring Stations
Those who wish to host a station mass in their home this spring are invited to contact Drum Parish Office to book a date and time. The stations have been a tradition in the parish for generations and it would be lovely to see the tradition continue and restored for generations to come.
Drum ICA
Monthly meeting in Drum Community Centre on Tuesday 5th February at 8.30pm. All members requested to attend.
St. Aloysius Bowling Night
The Parents Association are having a bowling night in aid of St. Aloysius College on Friday 8th February starting at 7pm in Athlone Leisure World. Teams of four needed. Plenty of spot prizes and light refreshments on the night. All welcome especially past pupils and parents. Please contact 085-1745506 to enter your team or call on the night.
Clann na nGael Social
Annual social in Athlone Springs Hotel on Saturday 16th February. Tickets available from usual source or any committee member.
Scoil na gCeithre Máistrí
Beidh oíche oscailte agus cruinniú do thuismitheoirí le clárú do Mheán Fómhair 2013 ar siúl ar an gCéadaoin 6 Feabhra ag a 8i.n. sa scoil. Teil. 090-6465794 nó téigh chuig www.ceithremaistri.ie nó buail isteach chuig an scoil.
Scoil na gCeithre Máistrí
An open meeting for parents interested in enrolling children for September 2013 will be hold on Wednesday 6th February at 8pm in the school. Telephone 090-6465794 or visit www.ceithremaistri.ie or call to the school for further details.
Irish Essay Writing Course
An Irish Essay Writing Course will take place in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, Athlone on the 11th February from 11am-4pm, for 5th and 6th year higher level students. To book your place please phone 087-7017966.
Thank You
The Board of Management and staff of Esker House would like to thank everyone in the parish for their extremely generous donations and contributions. It is much appreciated.
Permanent Diaconate
Are you interested in becoming a Permanent Deacon in the Diocese of Elphin? Applications are now being accepted from married and single men who may feel called to ministry as Permanent Deacons. The four year part-time training programme will begin in spring 2013. For further information or a conversation around the topic please contact the Director of the Permanent Diaconate, St. Mary's, Sligo on 071-9162670 or visit 'Vocations' on www.elphindiocese.ie. Closing date extended to Friday 8th February.