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Please note this site contains archived newsletters and is not currently being updated. The Parish of Saints Peter & Paul - Athlone, Drum & Clonown now has its own website at

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Newsletter - Sunday 17th February 2013

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 16th 8pm: Frank Lennon, parents Thomas & Elizabeth, Creggane
Sunday 17th 10am: John Brien, Creggane
Tuesday 19th 7pm: Special Intentions
Wednesday 20th 7pm: Martin McManus, Drumlosh
Thursday 21st 7pm: Johnny Dunning (Snr), Ardkeenan
Friday 22nd 7pm: Tommy & Winnie Higgins, Ardkeenan
Friday 22nd 8pm: Creggane Station Mass in the home of Tommy Joe and Kathleen Seery
Saturday 23rd 9pm: Patrick & Kathleen O’Neill & deceased family members, Mount Hussey
Sunday 24th 10am: Johnny Naughton, Clonellan

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 17th 11am: Johnny Hynes and deceased family members, Curraghnaboll
Sunday 24th 11am: Deceased members of the Shine family, Curraghnaboll

Monksland Area Mass
Thursday 21st February at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre. All welcome.

Clonown Community Site Project
Tenders are invited for the construction of the new community playing pitch and walking track at Clonown, Athlone, Co. Roscommon, as part of an application for funding from Roscommon LEADER Partnership (RIDC). The project has been published on the e-tenders procurement website, and the closing date for submission of replies is 17.00 on Monday 25 February 2013. All interested parties must register with to get the full details. This project is subject to funding from Roscommon LEADER Partnership.

Drum Cemetery Voluntary Group
AGM will take place on Wednesday 20th February at 9pm in Drum Parish Hall (please note change on time). The group would like to acknowledge the amount of €800 in lieu of flowers for cemetery maintenance to the memory of the late Willie Kelly, Clonbulia.

Drum Clonown Community Games
Anybody interested in doing Gymnastics (boys and girls, from under 9s up). Text child's name and date of birth to Sheila on 086-8747605.

Cornafulla N.S. Open Night
Enrolment and open night in Monsignor McCarthy national school, Cornafulla on Tuesday 26th February from 6-7.30pm or contact the school any day between 9.30am–3pm on 090-6437177.

Parenting Talk
The Challenges and the Rewards of Parenting - talk by John Lonergan, retired Governor of Mountjoy Prison, on Tuesday 26th February 2013 at 8pm in Taughmaconnell Community Centre. Admission €8.

Lecture about Fallon Clan
The launch of the Fallon Clan Gathering and lecture by local historian William Gacquin on Wednesday 20th February at 8.30pm in Dysart Hall. Admission €5.

Lenten Prayer Groups
Every Tuesday during Lent at the following locations and times:
-Tearmon Micheál at 10.15am;
-Monksland Community Centre at 7pm;
-The Presbytery, Deerpark Road at 8pm.
Each Wednesday during Lent, The Rosary and Benediction will be offered after the evening mass in Drum for all who are sick in our parish.
Stations of the Cross every Wednesday morning during Lent at 9am in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church.

Trócaire Lenten Campaign
Envelopes containing Trócaire Fast Boxes are available at the back of the churches. Every home is asked to bring one and support Trócaire in helping people to make a living so that they can escape poverty.

Spring Stations
Those who wish to host a station mass in their home this spring are invited to contact Drum Parish Office to book a date and time. The stations have been a tradition in the parish for generations and it would be lovely to see the tradition continue and restored for generations to come.

Clonown 10k
Annual 10k run and walk takes place on Sunday 28 April 2013. This year there will also be a 5k run for all those Operation Transformation followers! More details to follow.

Joint Parish Bingo
Every Sunday night at 8pm in the Dean Crowe Theatre and in St. Mary's Hall, Special bingo on Sunday 24th February with over €3,400 in prizes. Jackpot €1,000 must be won on the night.