Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 18th 8pm: Mary O’Donovan, Curryroe and formerly of St. Coman’s Park
Sunday 19th 10am: Tommy & Hannah O’Neill, Thomastown
Sunday 19th 11.30am: First Holy Communion for the children of Ardkeenan and Cornafulla schools
Tuesday 21st 7pm: Johnny & Mary Moran, Kilmacormack
Saturday 25th 8pm: Patrick & Mary Kennedy, Johnstown
Sunday 26th 10am: Kathleen Naughton, Clonellan
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 19th 11am: Bill & Peg Fallon, Newtown East
Sunday 26th 11am: Tommy Grenham and deceased family members
Rest In Peace
Mary Dolan, Assumtion Road (mother of Michael Dolan, Thomastown)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam
To all the children of the parish who received Sacrament of Confirmation and were confirmed by Bishop Christopher Jones during the week. May the seven strengthening gifts which they have received help them throughout their lives in carrying the torch of faith with them on their journey.
Football for fun
Ladies, want to have some fun while exercising? Why not join us Wednesdays at 8.30pm at Clann na nGael in Johnstown for fun, craic and some football. No previous experience necessary! Applicable to all ladies over 18 years of age.
Talk on the Céilí Band Era
Brian Lawler, founder of the Ardellis Céilí Band, will give a 45 minute talk in Athlone Library on Tuesday 21st May at 3.30pm. Bookings 090-6442158.
St. Hilda's Special School
Open day and enrolment on Wednesday 22nd May from 10am to 6pm. All welcome.
Passionfruit Theatre presents Ger Wolfe
Concert on Saturday 25th May at 8.30pm. Tickets €10. Phone 086-3338457.
Youth Pilgrimage to Lourdes
The parish has been allocated two places on the Youth section of the Elphin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes (28th August - 2nd September). The parish will cover half of the cost for both youths. To apply or for more information, please contact Drum Parish Office 090-6437125.
Marriage Jubilee Celebration
Invitation to couples who are celebrating the anniversary of their marriage (10, 15, 20, 25, 40, 50, 60, 65 years) to participate in the Annual Diocesan Jubilee Celebration of Marriage, which will take place in Sligo Cathedral on Sunday 30th June at 3pm. After Mass, there will be a celebratory meal in the Best Western Southern Hotel, Sligo. For further details phone 071-9170329.