Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 25th 8pm: Patrick & Mary Kennedy, Johnstown
Sunday 26th 10am: Kathleen Naughton, Clonellan
Friday 31st 7pm: Nan O’Neill, Clonellan
Saturday 1st 10.30am: Mary Ruane, Thomastown (Month’s Mind)
Saturday 1st 8pm: Anthony Whyte, Thomastown
Sunday 2nd 10am: Hubert & Mary Naughton, Doohan and deceased family members
Sunday 2nd 10.45am: Corpus Christi Procession (weather permitting)
Sunday 2nd 4pm: Holy Hour
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 26th 11am: Tommy Grenham and deceased family members
Sunday 2nd 11am: Deceased members of the Dunning family, Ballinaculla
Rest In Peace
Eugene Pettit, Ardbrea Park, Athlone (father of Gerry Pettit, Clonark)
Tony Kelly, Parnell Square, Athlone (brother of Martina Henry, Cornafulla)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam
Eleanor Mary Meaney
Céad míle fáilte! Congratulations to her parents.
To all the children of the parish who received their First Holy Communion in Drum last weekend.
Corpus Christi Procession and Holy Hour
A Corpus Christi Procession will be held in Drum next Sunday 2nd June, commencing after the 10am Mass from the church down to the reflection area in the cemetery and back up to the church for benediction (weather permitting). A holy hour will also be held on Sunday 2nd June from 4-5pm in St. Brigid's Church, Drum and in St. Peter & Paul's Church, Athlone, to coincide with a similar hour of adoration being led by Pope Francis in Rome. All are welcome.
Drum parent and toddler group
Starting soon in Drum Parish Hall. Any donations of good quality, used toys would be gratefully appreciated. Please contact Karen 087-7779705 or Michelle 086-1725421 to arrange collection.
Thank You
Friends of Nicky McFadden would like to thank all who attended and supported their table quiz in aid of Motor Neurone Research on Thursday 16th May. A total of €4,500 was raised.
Thank You
Athlone Midland Samaritans would like to thank everyone who supported their recent church gate collections in the Athlone area. A special thank you to the collectors who gave so generously of their time. If you are lonely, depressed, or suicidal, maybe it would help to talk to someone? Call the Samaritans in confidence on 1850-609090 any time.
Thank You
Clann na nGael under 14 Féile competition would like to thank all who supported their recent fundraiser. A total of €710 was raised.
Thank You
Ss. Peter & Paul's Parish thanks all P.A.Y.E. parishioners who returned their completed certificate/forms for tax relief to eligible charities. A tax rebate totalling €17,454.63 has been received from the Revenue Commissioners. We are very grateful for your much appreciated co-operation. If you have not yet returned your certificate, it is still not too late to do so. Contact the Parish Office for details.
Talk of times past
Reminiscing at Athlone Library, facilitated by members of St. Mary's Active Age Group and Castle Writers' Group. A relaxing afternoon of chat and a cuppa at 3.30pm on Wednesday 29th May. All are welcome.
National Vigil for Life
Saturday 8th June at 3pm in Merrion Square, Dublin. Bus from St. Peter's Square, Athlone at 11:30am. Suggested donation: €12. Ring Siobhan 086-8462284. Please attend if at all possible.
Football for fun
Ladies, want to have some fun while exercising? Why not join us Wednesdays at 8.30pm at Clann na nGael in Johnstown for fun, craic and some football. No previous experience necessary! Applicable to all ladies over 18 years of age.
Youth Pilgrimage to Lourdes
The parish has been allocated two places on the Youth section of the Elphin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes (28th August - 2nd September). The parish will cover half of the cost for both youths. To apply or for more information, please contact Drum Parish Office 090-6437125.
Marriage Jubilee Celebration
Invitation to couples who are celebrating the anniversary of their marriage (10, 15, 20, 25, 40, 50, 60, 65 years) to participate in the Annual Diocesan Jubilee Celebration of Marriage, which will take place in Sligo Cathedral on Sunday 30th June at 3pm. After Mass, there will be a celebratory meal in the Best Western Southern Hotel, Sligo. For further details phone 071-9170329.