Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 15th 8pm: Anna O’Neill
Sunday 16th 10am: Kay Coyle, late of Hill of Berries
Sunday 16th 3pm: Rosary procession and open-air mass at 3.30pm in Drum Monastic Site
Thursday 20th 7pm: Patrick Fallon, Cornafulla
Saturday 22nd 8pm: Tim Griffin, Clonbulia
Sunday 23rd 10am: Sonny & Bridget Lawless, Cornafulla South
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 16th 11am: Michael Greene, Ballinaculla
Sunday 23rd 11am: Mass
Rest In Peace
Maureen Lennon, Coolevin, Coosan (aunt of Jackie Gately, Newtown)
Mary Samuels, St. Patrick’s Terrace (grandmother of Warren Samuels, Cornafulla South)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam
Sophie Ava Keegan
Katelyn Rose Naughton
Céad Míle Fáilte! Congratulations to their parents.
Annual Mass at Drum Monastic Site - Sunday 16th June
All parishioners are invited to take part in the religious ceremonies in Drum on Sunday 16th June, commencing with a Rosary Procession from St. Brigid's Well at 3pm followed by concelebrated open-air Mass at 3.30pm at Drum Monastic Site. There will be a special blessing at the graveside of Very Rev. Fr. Walter Walsh P.P. who for 22 years ministered as Parish Priest of St. Peter's and Drum.
Clonown Graveyard Survey
Almost a century of records relating to Clonown cemetery are being put together by the local heritage group. Preliminary results are now displayed in Clonown church. Anyone with relatives buried in the cemetery is invited to check the data on display and to note any errors or omissions. It is hoped to have a map listing all the plots erected in the cemetery by Sunday 11th August. Email clonownheritage@gmail.com or phone 090-6437143.
Drum parent and toddler group
Every Tuesday at 10am in Drum Parish Hall. All welcome.
Brideswell Pattern Festival Launch
All are welcome to attend the launch of the Pattern Festival in O'Connell's Bar in Brideswell on Thursday 27th June at 9.30pm. The Festival is taking place from 25-29th July 2013, and will include a range of events to suit all ages including a number of heritage events in association with The Gathering which will be of particular interest to the communities in the South Roscommon area.
Second-hand school book shop
Dr. Steven's Resource Centre (now located upstairs in Block A, Irishtown Central) will open their second-hand school book shop on Monday 24th June from 10am-4pm daily for buying or selling of current school books. Now located at Also now taking bookings for children's computer summer camp. Contact 090-6473001 for further details.