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Please note this site contains archived newsletters and is not currently being updated. The Parish of Saints Peter & Paul - Athlone, Drum & Clonown now has its own website at

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Newsletter - Sunday 23rd June 2013

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 22nd 8pm: Tim Griffin, Clonbulia
Sunday 23rd 10am: Sonny & Bridget Lawless, Cornafulla South
Tuesday 25th 7pm: Mary & Patrick Whelan, also Maureen Foody
Wednesday 26th 7pm: Hugh & Josephine Lennon, Riallto and formerly Clonellan
Thursday 27th 7pm: John Higgins, Crannaghmore
Friday 28th 7pm: Patrick, Mary & Liam Naughton, Doohan
Saturday 29th 8pm: Jim McManus, Nure (Month's Mind), also Mike McManus
Sunday 30th 10am: Mary, John & Pat Hynes, Johnstown

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 23rd 11am: Mass
Sunday 30th 11am: Tommie & Mai Curley, Togher

We extend our congratulations to Fr John McManus, CC, Ss. Peter & Paul's, who has been appointed Parish Priest of Ballagh, Co. Roscommon. Fr John has been serving in our parish for the past few years and will take up his new appointment in July, following the appointment of Fr. Ray Browne, PP Ballagh as Bishop of Kerry.

Elphin Diocesan Lourdes Invalid Fund Annual Church Gate Collection
Will be held at Drum & Clonown Churches on Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th June. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Clonown Community Site Project
Fashion Show will be held in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel on Thursday 26th June at 8pm. MC on the night Eugene Murphy of Shannonside FM. Please support.

Drum parent and toddler group
Every Tuesday at 10am in Drum Parish Hall. All welcome.

Golden Jubilee
Congratulations to Bishop John Kirby, Bishop of Confert and native of Baylough, Athlone on the Golden Jubilee of his ordination on 23rd June 1963.

Monksland Summer Camp
Sports or arts and crafts camp will be held on 1st-5th July from 10am-1pm daily. Cost €15 per child, family discounts will apply. Contact Roscommon Sports Partnership at 090-6630853 for more details.