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Please note this site contains archived newsletters and is not currently being updated. The Parish of Saints Peter & Paul - Athlone, Drum & Clonown now has its own website at

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Newsletter - Sunday 3rd November 2013

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 2nd 8pm: All Souls' Day - Mass for the Faithful Departed
Sunday 3rd 10am: Thomas Murray, Gorrynagowna
Sunday 3rd 10.45am: Rosary in Drum Cemetery
Wednesday 6th 8pm: Holy Hour
Thursday 7th 7pm: Mass for the Faithful Departed
Friday 8th 7pm: Liam Naughton and deceased family members, Ardkeenan
Friday 8th 8pm: Clonbulia Station Mass in the home of Ann & Niall Clogher
Saturday 9th 8pm: Mike McManus, St. Coman's Park
Sunday 10th 10am: John McManus and his parents Mai & Pake, Nure

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 3rd 11am: Frank Ward, Curraghnaboll
Sunday 10th 11am: Fr. Michael Dunning

Monksland Area Mass
Thursday 7th November at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre. Everyone welcome.

Wedding Bells
Congratulations to Brendan Lynch and Cathriona Lennon on their recent wedding.
Go maire siad a saol úr.

Charlie Francis McGrath
Emily Mairead Dolan
Céad míle fáilte! Congratulations to their parents.

Drum Cemetery: Sunday 3rd November at 10.45am
Cornamagh Cemetery: Sunday 3rd November at 3.15pm
Coosan Cemetery: Sunday 10th November at 3.15pm

Drum Branch Apostolic Workers
Annual coffee morning, cake sale, sale of work and mission display in Drum Parish Hall on Sunday 3rd November at 11am, immediately following Rosary in cemetery at 10.45am. Please support our own missionaries at work in foreign countries.

Drum I.C.A.
Monthly meeting will be held in Drum Parish Hall on Tuesday 5th November at 8.30pm. All members requested to attend.

Book Launch
You and your family and friends are invited to the Hodson Bay Hotel on Sunday 10th November at 3pm where Tony McManus will launch the new book 'Roscommon Folk Tales' by Pat Watson with illustrations by Patricia Watson. Refreshments served. €2 from every book sold on the day will be donated to Pieta House.

Radio Rivals table quiz
Athlone Community Radio has teamed up with South Westmeath Hospice to raise funds for these organisations. A monster table quiz called Radio Rivals will be held at 6 venues on Thursday 14th November. Teams cost €20 and questions will be broadcast live on Athlone Community Radio 88.4FM. Telephone 087-1127949 or 090-6490722 for further details.

The Six Marys
Play written by Athlone native Jean Farrell, back by popular demand in Athlone Little Theatre on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th November. Bookings contact 086-3899026.

Céad Míle Fáilte
This week we welcome Fr. Jaroslaw Maszkiewicz as curate in our parish. Known as Fr. Jarek (pronounced Yarek), he is a priest of the Diocese of Warsaw in Poland and has been in Ireland since 2005. Fr. Jarek is replacing Fr. John McManus and will be living in the priest's residence, 10 Ashford, Monksland. Fr. Jarek can be assured of a very warm welcome to the Parish of Ss. Peter & Paul and we wish him every blessing and happiness in his ministry among us.

Change of Mass times - update
With the arrival of Fr. Jarek to the parish this week, there will now be 3 priests in the parish again. The Sunday Mass times in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church will revert to the original times with effect from the first Sunday of advent, 1st December with 3 Masses on Sunday: 9am, 10.30am and 12 noon.