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Please note this site contains archived newsletters and is not currently being updated. The Parish of Saints Peter & Paul - Athlone, Drum & Clonown now has its own website at

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Newsletter - Sunday 24th November 2013

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 23rd 8pm: Thomas Naughton and parents Patrick & Mary, Clonark
Sunday 24th 10am: Kathleen Harney & deceased family members, Rooskey
Sunday 24th 10.45am: Rosary in Drum Cemetery
Tuesday 26th 7pm: Mass for the Faithful Departed
Wednesday 27th 7pm: James & Mary Henry, Clonellan
Thursday 28th 7pm: Maura Durney, Cornafulla North
Friday 29th 7pm: Paddy & Bridie Moore, Meehambee
Saturday 30th 10.30am: Agnes (Aggie) O’Brien, Creggane (Month’s Mind)
Saturday 30th 8pm: Sr. Margaret Lennon, Curryroe
Sunday 1st 10am: Irene & Ronan Mulligan, Taylorstown.

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 24th 11am: Louise Gavin and deceased members of the Byrne family
Sunday 24th 11.45am: Rosary in Clonown Cemetery
Sunday 1st 11am: Mass

Cara Teresa Samuels
Fionn Martin Mulvihill
Céad míle fáilte! Congratulations to their parents.

Drum Cemetery: Sunday 24th November after 10am Mass
Clonown Cemetery: Sunday 24th November after 11am Mass

Best Kept Cemetery
Congratulations to Drum Cemetery Voluntary Group who were awarded first place for best kept graveyard by Roscommon County Council. The award is well deserved and recognises the great work that is carried out by the group along with the support of the community. Envelopes for a collection towards the upkeep of the cemetery have been distributed to all homes in the parish and anyone wishing to contribute to the collection is asked to return the envelope to the church or parish office.

Bishop Ray Browne in Drum
We look forward to welcoming Bishop of Kerry, Most Rev. Ray Browne to St. Brigid's Church, Drum where he will celebrate the 10am Mass on Sunday, 1st December.

Who wants to be a Thousandaire?
Clann na nGael brings this hugely popular event to the Athlone Springs Hotel, Monksland on Saturday 30th November. Contestants are drawn from the ticket sales and each contestant will play for €1000. Tickets cost €15 and can be purchased from any member of the club.