An Chéad Domhnach den Aidbhint
First Sunday of Advent
Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 30th 8pm: Sr. Margaret Lennon, Curryroe
Sunday 1st 10am: Irene & Ronan Mulligan, Taylorstown.
Tuesday 3rd 7pm: Private Intentions
Wednesday 4th 7pm: John & Mary Naughton, Clonellan
Thursday 5th 7pm: Owen & Kathleen Connaughton, Clonark
Friday 6th 7pm: John Harney, Crannaghmore
Saturday 7th 10.30am: Julia Ryan (Mother of Majella Glynn, Crannaghmore)
Saturday 7th 8pm: Patrick & Delia Moore, Meehambee
Sunday 8th 10am: Thomas Hynes, Drum Road
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 1st 11am: Mass
Friday 6th 8pm: Mary Flynn (1st Anniversary)
Sunday 8th 11am: Ned & Catherine Shine
Oisín Patrick Shrahan
Tadhg Michael Kelly
Céad míle fáilte! Congratulations to their parents.
Rest In Peace
Brendan McFadden, Dún Ard, The Batteries (father of Gabrielle McClean, Newtownflood)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
Drum Senior Citizens Christmas Party
Christmas Party for our senior citizens will take place on Sunday 8th December in the Athlone Springs Hotel commencing with Mass at 3pm. Anyone who did not receive an invitation please come along, you are most welcome.
Samaritans Annual Christmas Concert
On Thursday 12th December at 8pm in the Franciscan Friary, Athlone. Featuring Army Band, Tenor David Martin, Athlone A Cappella and the Athlone Pipe Band. Compère: Cathal Murray of RTÉ. Tickets €10 and available at the Castle Gift Shop, Midland Sound Equipment and Cunningham's Pharmacy, Monksland. The Samaritans are available 24 hours a day at 1850-609090 in complete confidence.
Waiting in hope - Ecumenical Prayers of Advent
You are invited to the Methodist Church, Northgate Street on Friday 6th December for tea and coffee and 11am, followed by a short Advent service led by Fr. Turlough Baxter, St. Mary's Church and Rev. Rosemary Lindsay, Athlone Methodist Church. Everyone welcome.
Change of Mass times
The Sunday Mass times in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church revert to the original times with effect from Sunday 1st December with 3 Masses on Sunday: 9am, 10.30am and 12 noon.