Saturday 10th 8pm: Patrick, Kate & Michael McManus, Belrea
Sunday 11th 10am: Mary Duignan, Clonellan (Month's Mind)
Tuesday 13th 7pm: Phobe Duignan, Doohan
Wednesday 14th 7.30pm: First Confession
Thursday 15th 7pm: Christy Nolan, Doohan
Thursday 15th 8pm: Taylorstown Station Mass in the home of Tom & Áine Lennon
Friday 16th 8pm: Michael Watson, Dublin & Ardkeenan
Saturday 17th 10am - St. Patrick's Day: P.J. Lawless. Cornafulla South
Saturday 17th 8pm: Paddy & Margaret Mulvey, also, Jim Hynes, Johnstown
Sunday 18th 10am: Patrick & Michael Harney, Clonrulla
Drum Collection
Sunday 4th March: €1,620.00.
Thank you for your weekly contributions for the upkeep of the church.
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 11th 11am: Johnny, Annie, Patrick & Elizabeth Egan, Curraghnaboll
Saturday 17th 11am - St. Patrick's Day: Mary Henry, Carricknaughton
Sunday 18th 11am: Deceased members of the Dunning family, Ballinaculla
Clonown Collections
Sunday 4th March: €216.00.
Church Restoration Fund: €201.00.
Monksland Area Mass
Thursday 15th March at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre. Everyone welcome.
Ethan Luke McManus
Céad Míle Fáilte! Congratulations to his parents
Rest In Peace
Dermot Lennon, Garbally Oaks, Ballinasloe and late of Summerhill
Christopher McManus, England (grandson of Dr. William McManus, formerly of Ardnanure)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam
Naomh Pádraig |
-Aifreann sa Droim dé hAoine 16ú ag 8 i.n. agus dé Sathairn 17ú ag 10 r.n.
-Aifreann i gCluain Eamhain dé Sathairn 17ú ag 11 r.n.
-Aifreann i Séipéal Peadar agus Pól dé hAoine 6.30 i.n. agus dé Sathairn ag 9 r.n., 12 i.n. agus 6 i.n.
St. Patrick's Day
-Mass in Drum on Friday 16th at 8pm and Saturday 17th at 10am
-Mass in Clonown on Saturday 17th at 11am
-Mass in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church on Friday 16th at 6.30pm and Saturday 17th at 9am, 12pm and 6pm.
Lenten Prayer Groups
Please note change of times for this week:
-Monday at 7.30pm in Drum Parish Hall (upstairs);
-Tuesday at 7pm in Monksland Community Centre.
Also, evening prayer incorporated in mass in Drum every Friday during Lent. For further information contact the Parish Office at 090-6492171 or Drum Parish Office 090-6437125.
Ardkeenan N.S. Drum
Open Evening and Enrolment on Tuesday 13th March from 6.30–7.45pm. Enrolment also by appointment during school hours. Telephone 090-6437244.
Lourdes Pilgrimage Fundraiser
Social night and music in aid of Elphin Diocesan Lourdes Assisted Pilgrims Fund will be held in the Abbey Hotel, Roscommon on Monday 12th March at 9pm. Please support.
Clonown Community Fundraising Social
Social night with music by The Coyles on St. Patrick's Day, Saturday 17th March from 9.30pm in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel. Light refreshments will be served. Tickets €10. Raffle on the night with special prizes. Tickets available from Ann 087-2261096 or Paul 086-3349585.
Eucharistic Congress Workshop
Fr. Benny McHale, Tuam will present a workshop to give people an outline of what the Congress may be like on Tuesday 13th March at 8pm in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel. All are welcome.
Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association
Fundraiser in Hayden’s Hotel on Sunday 18th March commencing at 10.30pm. Tickets €10. Please support.
Moore & Clonfad Dramatic Society
Are hosting a hilarious comedy ‘Wake in the West’ in Moore Hall on the 9–11th March. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Africa Fundraising Appeal
Enda McManus is hoping to do some voluntary work with Solidarity In Action in Africa this summer. If you wish to contribute towards this good cause, please place your donation in an envelope marked for Enda McManus. Envelopes can be placed in the collection basket at next weekend's masses in Drum. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Night at the Dogs
In aid of Ss. Peter & Paul's Church Restoration Fund on Saturday 28th April in Mullingar Greyhound Stadium. Sponsor a race: €300. Sponsor a dog: €50. Tickets: €20 each on sale now. 1st prize €1,000; 2nd prize €500; five prizes of €100.
Volunteers for the 50th International Eucharistic Congress
Volunteer application forms available on-line at, please apply by 17th March. Volunteers are required from 6th-19th June.