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Sunday, 18 March 2012

Newsletter - Sunday 18th March 2012

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 17th 8pm: Paddy & Margaret Mulvey, also, Jim Hynes, Johnstown
Sunday 18th 10am: Patrick & Michael Harney, Clonrulla
Tuesday 20th 7pm: Kathleen Greene, Doohan
Wednesday 21st 7pm: Martin O’Rourke, Rathpeak
Thursday 22nd 7pm: John Duffy, Clonark
Friday 23rd 7pm: Martin Kelly, Clonbulia
Friday 23rd 8pm: South Hill / Rockfield Station Mass in the home of Seán & Assumpta Walshe
Saturday 24th 8pm: James Henry, Mount Florence
Sunday 25th 10am: Mary Ellen Whyte, Thomastown

Drum Collection
Sunday 11th March: €1,151.57.
Thank you for your weekly contributions for the upkeep of the church.

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 18th 11am: Deceased members of the Dunning family, Ballinaculla
Sunday 25th 11am: Deceased members of the Shine family, late of Cunny and Buggane

Clonown Collections
Sunday 11th March: €174.00.
Church Restoration Fund: €175.00.

Finan Christopher Mannion
Fionn Oliver Fallon
Lucy Jayne Samuels
Céad Míle Fáilte! Congratulations to their parents

Rest In Peace
Mary Duignan (née Harney), Clonbulia and late of Creggane, Cornafulla
Stella (Marcella) Brockman (née O'Neill), Clonakilty, Cork and late of Mount Hussey
John (Johnny) Flynn, Clonown
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam

Lenten Prayer Groups
Continuing this week:
-Tuesday at 7.30pm in Drum Parish Hall (upstairs);
-Tuesday at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre.
Also, evening prayer incorporated in mass in Drum every Friday during Lent. For further information contact the Parish Office at 090-6492171 or Drum Parish Office 090-6437125.

Africa Fundraising Appeal
Enda McManus is hoping to do some voluntary work with Solidarity In Action in Africa this summer. If you wish to contribute towards this good cause, please place your donation in an envelope marked for Enda McManus. Envelopes can be placed in the collection basket at next weekend's masses in Drum. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Confirmation Programme
Will take place in Drum church on Saturday 31st March at 8pm.

Multiple Sclerosis Church Gate Collection
Will be held at Drum and Clonown churches on Saturday 31st March and Sunday 1st April.

Athlone Sub Aqua Club Church Gate Collection
Will be held in Drum on Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th April. Please support.

Scoil Chor na Fola
Cornafulla Old School Re-union
Re-union of Past Pupils of Cornafulla Old School will be held in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel on Friday 18th May at 8pm. All past pupils welcome.

Monksland TidyTowns
Anyone interested in getting involved with and helping the newly formed Monksland TidyTowns group please contact Edwina 086-8583947 or Deirdre 087-7706609.

Nutrition for Kids Workshop
Will take place in Venue 4, Bastion Street, Athlone on Thursday 22nd March at 8pm. Nutrition consultant Lynda McFarland from Athlone Nutrition Clinic will give practical advice on balancing your children’s meals. Tastings and discussion will also take place.

St. Angela's College Sligo
Part-time Higher Diploma in Religious Education and Certificate in Religious Education (Primary School_ starting September 2012 in Sligo. For further information and application forms contact 071-9195550 or Closing date for applications 30th March 2012.

Night at the Dogs
In aid of Ss. Peter & Paul's Church Restoration Fund on Saturday 28th April in Mullingar Greyhound Stadium. Sponsor a race: €300. Sponsor a dog: €50. Tickets: €20 each on sale now from the Sacristy, the Parish Office or any member of the committee. 1st prize €1,000; 2nd prize €500; five prizes of €100.

Care to Drive
Volunteer transport programme run by the Irish Cancer Society. We recruit and train volunteers to drive patients to and from their hospital appointments. We are currently looking for people in the Athlone/Ballinasloe/Moate/Shannonbridge areas to drive patients to and from Portiuncula Hospital, Ballinasloe. The service is free to both the hospital and the patient with the Irish Cancer Society incurring all costs. Volunteers are paid for all their fuel expenses. We are asking for volunteers to commit to driving 2 days a month (Mon-Fri). For more information call Gail on 01-2310566.