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Sunday, 4 March 2012

Newsletter - Sunday 4th March 2012

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 3rd 8pm: Margaret Macken, Creggane
Sunday 4th 10am: Brian Devine, Ardkeenan
Tuesday 6th 7pm: Trisha Moore, Meehambee
Wednesday 7th 8pm: Holy Hour
Thursday 8th 7pm: John (Cal) & Mary McManus, Nure
Friday 8th 7pm: Maisie Griffin and deceased family members of the Griffin & Gaffey families, Clonbulia
Saturday 10th 8pm: Patrick, Kate & Michael McManus, Belrea
Sunday 11th 10am: Mary Duignan, Clonellan (Month's Mind)

Drum Collection
Sunday 26th February: €928.00.
Thank you for your weekly contributions for the upkeep of the church.

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 4th 11am: Martin and Bridie Shine, Drumlosh
Sunday 11th 11am: Mass

Clonown Collections
Sunday 26th February: €205.00.
Church Restoration Fund: €233.00.

Síofra Jennifer O’Reilly
Céad Míle Fáilte! Congratulations to her parents

Lenten Prayer Groups
Every Tuesday during Lent with the theme 'Taking our hearts to the Lord' at the following locations and times:
-Sr. Bernard's home at 10.30am;
-Drum Parish Hall (upstairs) at 7.30pm.
-Fr. Seán O'Dowd's house, Deerpark Road at 8pm;
-Monksland Community Centre at 8pm;
Also, evening prayer incorporated in mass in Drum every Friday during Lent. For further information contact the Parish Office at 090-6492171 or Drum Parish Office 090-6437125.

Drum ICA
Monthly meeting in Drum Community Centre on Tuesday 6th March at 8.30pm. All members please attend.

Drum Heritage Group
Annual Table Quiz on Friday 9th March at 8.30pm in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel.

Community Games Draughts Training
For all girls/boys under 10 and under 12. If you are interested in Draughts please contact Joanne Colgan at 087-9137608.

Africa Fundraising Appeal
Enda McManus is hoping to do some voluntary work with Solidarity In Action in Africa this summer. If you wish to contribute towards this good cause, please place your donation in an envelope marked for Enda McManus. Envelopes can be placed in the collection basket at next weekend's masses in Drum. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Drum Cemetery Voluntary Group was awarded Second Prize in the Tidy Cemeteries Competition for 2011. Roscommon County Council would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the committee members and the local community. Congratulations to everyone involved.

Scoil na gCeithre Máistrí
Open night on Wednesday 7th March at 8pm for children starting school in September 2012. All welcome. Céad míle fáilte.

Moore & Clonfad Dramatic Society
Are hosting a hilarious comedy ‘Wake in the West’ in Moore Hall on the 9–11th March. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Parish Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
From Saturday 30th June to Saturday 7th July. Spiritual Director: Fr. John McManus. Cost €629. For bookings contact Gerry Kinneavy 087-2249621 or Mary 090-6492045 / 087-2936933.

Volunteers for the 50th International Eucharistic Congress
Volunteer application forms available on-line at, please apply by 17th March. Volunteers are required from 6th-19th June.

Lourdes Pilgrimage Fundraiser
Social night and music in aid of Elphin Diocesan Lourdes Assisted Pilgrims Fund will be held in the Abbey Hotel, Roscommon on Monday 12th March at 9pm. Please support.

Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association
Fundraiser in Hayden’s Hotel on Sunday 18th March commencing at 10.30pm. Tickets €10. Please support.

Primary Care Adult Mental Health Practitioner
Feeling low, worried, anxious? The Primary Care Adult Mental Health Services in Roscommon Town operate a Free Walk-in Clinic open Tuesday to Thursday 2-4pm. Speak to a Mental Health Practitioner without an appointment. The Clinic is situated at the Psychology Department on Abbey Street, Roscommon. Contact number 090-6627091.

Tax Relief for Donations to Eligible Charities
One again letters and forms are being posted during the coming week to PAYE taxpayers in the parish who contributed €250 or more (including the second collection for maintenance fund) during 2011. If you do not receive the relevant documentation and feel that you would like to contribute, please contact the Parish Office at 090-6492171. Meanwhile we offer our sincere thanks to all those who have participated during the last few years in helping us benefit from this important source of funding, which goes towards reducing the debt for the restoration of Ss. Peter & Paul's Church.