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Sunday, 14 December 2014

Newsletter - Sunday 14th December 2014

An Tríú Domhnach den Aidbhint
Third Sunday of Advent

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 13th 8pm: Patrick & Delia Moore, Meehambee
Sunday 14th 10am: Paddy & Elizabeth Halligan, Crannaghmore
Monday 15th 7pm: Holy Communion Mass
Tuesday 16th 7pm: Michael & Mary Glynn, Crannaghmore
Wednesday 17th 8pm: Holy Hour
Thursday 18th 7pm: Johnny & Margaret Murray (Farmer) and deceased family members, Creggane
Saturday 20th 8pm: John O’Neill, Clonellan
Sunday 21st 10am: Martin & Nancy Mulvey, son Marty and grandson Alan, Johnstown

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 14th 11am: James & Mary Egan and deceased family members, Curraghnaboll
Sunday 21st 11am: Margaret Shine, Drumlosh

Rest In Peace
Seán Shine, Buggane, Clonown
Edward (Ned) Griffin, Ardkeenan
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam.

Santa in Drum
Santa Claus has informed the Parish Office that he will visit Drum Parish Hall after 10am Mass on Sunday 14th December to meet the children of the parish and invites their parents/grandparents and all parishioners for a cup of tea. Everyone welcome.

'Join Our Boys' Card Game
Card game and raffle in aid of 'Join Our Boys Trust' on Monday 15th December at 9pm in Clann na nGael clubhouse, Johnstown. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Advent Prayer Preparation for Christmas
On Tuesdays at 10.10am in Tearmann Micheál, The Docks, and Tuesdays at 7pm in Monksland Community Centre.

Holy Hour
The next Holy Hour in Drum will take place on Wednesday 17th December at 8pm.

Hospice Christmas Cards and Shine a Light
In aid of Mayo & Roscommon Hospice on sale and available by contacting P.J. O’Brien at 086-8758483.

Christmas Envelopes and Parish Calendars
Will be distributed next week by your local area distributor/collector. We wish to thank most sincerely all our parish collectors and area distributors for all their help throughout the year and wish wish them and their families a very happy Christmas and peaceful new year.