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Sunday, 7 December 2014

Newsletter - Sunday 7th December 2014

An Dara Domhnach den Aidbhint
Second Sunday of Advent

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 6th 8pm: Irene & Rónán Mulligan, Taylorstown
Sunday 7th 10am: Johnny Harney, Crannaghmore
Monday 8th 10am (Holy Day): Kathleen Gaffey, Gorrynagowna
Monday 8th 7pm: Michael Mannion, Coolmore House, Bealnamulla
Tuesday 9th 7pm: Elizabeth Naughton, Clonark
Thursday 11th 7pm: Jackie Gately, Newtown
Friday 12th 7pm: Margaret Murray, Creggane
Saturday 13th 8pm: Patrick & Delia Moore, Meehambee
Sunday 14th 10am: Paddy & Elizabeth Halligan,Crannaghmore

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 7th 11am: Ned & Catherine Shine
Sunday 14th 11am: James & Mary Egan and deceased family members, Curraghnaboll

Monksland Area Mass
Thursday 11th December at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre.

Rest In Peace
John Harney, Curraghaleen, Bealnamulla
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

Sadhbh Féile O’Brien
Céad míle fáilte! Congratulations to her parents.

Féile Mhuire gan Smál
Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Monday 8th December is a holy day of obligation. Mass times:
-Drum: 10am, 7pm.
-Ss. Peter & Paul's Church: 9.30am, 12pm, 6.30pm.

Advent Prayer Preparation for Christmas
On Tuesdays at 10.10am in Tearmann Micheál, The Docks, and Tuesdays at 7pm in Monksland Community Centre.

Holy Hour
The next Holy Hour in Drum will take place on Wednesday 17th December at 8pm.

Hospice Christmas Cards and Shine a Light
In aid of Mayo & Roscommon Hospice on sale and available by contacting P.J. O’Brien at 086-8758483.

Samaritans Christmas Concert
The Samaritans 23rd Annual Christmas Concert will be held in the Franciscan Friary Church, Athlone on Thursday, 11th December at 8pm. It will feature the Army Band, Baritone Simon Casey, Moate Community School, Athlone Pipe Band and the Compère on the night will be RTÉ's Cathal Murray. Tickets €12 available at Franciscan Friary, Castle Gift Shop, Cunninghams Chemists and Midland Sound Equipment. The Samaritans are available 24 hours a day on freephone 116 123 for anyone who is troubled, despairing or just needs to talk to someone in confidence or also by email to

Vicar General Appointment
The Parish Pastoral Council would like to congratulate Canon Liam Devine on his new appointment as Vicar General of the Diocese of Elphin.