Féile an Teaghlaigh Naofa
Feast of the Holy Family
Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 27th 8pm: Tommy Harney, Curraghaleen
Sunday 28th 10am: Tom, Jim & Lill Hynes, Johnstown
Wednesday 31st 10.30am: Mary & Patrick Lennon, Ardkeenan
Thursday 1st 10.30am: Colm Kennedy, grandparents Bill & Maimie, Johnstown
Friday 2nd 10.30am: P.J. & Eileen McEvilly, Johnstown
Saturday 3rd 10.30am: John Harney, Curraghaleen (Month’s Mind)
Saturday 3rd 8pm: James Greene, Doohan
Sunday 4th 10am: Mary & Tom Grenham, Gorrynagowna
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 28th 11am: John Dunning and parents Michael & Delia, The Park
Friday 2nd 8pm: Seán Shine (Month's Mind)
Sunday 4th 11am: Nancy Gaffey, Newtown
Monksland Area Mass
Sunday 28th December at 11.30am in Monksland Community Centre.
Rest In Peace
Mary Moore, Meehambee
Mary Connaughton, Tubberclaire (mother of Geraldine Egan, Cloonakilla)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam.
Wedding Bells
Congratulations to Patrice Kelly and Paul Watts on their recent wedding.
Go maire siad a saol úr.
Holy Hour
The next Holy Hour in Drum will take place on Wednesday 7th January at 8pm.
Drum Parish Office
The office will be closed until 9.30am on Monday 5th January 2015.
Athbhliain faoi mhaise
The priests of the parish wish their parishioners every blessing for the new year.