Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 31st 8pm: Bernie Kelly & deceased family members, Rooskey
Sunday 1st 10am: Christy Bigley
Tuesday 3rd 7pm: Mary Ellen Duffy, Clonark
Thursday 5th 7pm: Molly & Pake Kenny, Johnstown
Friday 6th 10am: Mass
Friday 6th: Marraige of Edel Geraghty & John Coyle
Saturday 7th 8pm: Maureen Killian
Sunday 8th 10am: Lily Devine
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 1st 11am: Patrick Dunning, Ballinaculla
Friday 6th 8pm: Eileen Hanly and Rosie Shine, Buggane
Sunday 8th 11am: Kieran Dunning & his granddaughter Hannah Rose Martin
Rest in Peace
Owen McManus, Belrea, Drum
Tommy McNiff, Shannon Harbour and late of Doogue
May they rest in peace
Cemetery Sunday
Rosary will be recited in Clonown graveyard immediately after 11am mass on Sunday 1st August.
Cemetery Sunday in Cornamagh Cemetery on Sunday 15th August at 4pm and in Coosan Cemetery on Sunday 22nd August at 4pm.
Thank You
To all PAYE tax payers from Ss. Peter & Paul's Parish who returned their completed certificates for tax relief to eligible charities. A tax rebate totalling €11,508 has been received from the Revenue Commissioners. We are very grateful for your co-operation. Your continued support and generosity is much appreciated.
Elphin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock
Annual Pilgrimage takes place on Sunday 15th August during the Novena. Ceremonies began at 2.30pm with Anointing of the Sick followed by Con-celebrated Mass at 3pm. Come and join us in this year's Pilgrimage and give all your family a new memory of Knock Shrine.
Bus to Knock for Elphin Pilgrimage
On Sunday 15th August. Booking essential. Contact 086-1960256.
Naíonra Réalta Geala
Pre-school based in Drum Community Centre, now taking bookings for Free Pre-School Child Places for September 2010. Open Monday to Friday 9.30am–12.30pm. Active learning using the High Scope Pre-School Curriculum. For further information contact Catherine at 086-0641910 or 090-6437411.