Archive notice

Please note this site contains archived newsletters and is not currently being updated. The Parish of Saints Peter & Paul - Athlone, Drum & Clonown now has its own website at

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Newsletter - Sunday 29th August 2010

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 28th 8pm: Maura Henry, Mount Florence
Sunday 29th 10am: Mass
Friday 3rd 7pm: Tom Griffin, Rooskey
Saturday 4th 8pm: The Finneran Family, Clonellan
Sunday 5th 10am: Attracta Bigley
(Please note no First Friday calls this month)

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 29th 11am: Willie Shine, Drumlosh
Sunday 5th 11am: Mass

Rest in Peace
John Sherlock, Knockcroghery and Baylough
Michael Joe Carey, Newtown, Creagh, Ballinasloe (father of Mrs. Mary Moore, Meehambee)
Martha Donnelan (nee Connor), Moydrum and formerly Clonark (sister of Paddy Joe Connor, Clonark)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam

Drum Autumn Station Masses
Thank you to all who have already contacted us and have set the date for their Station Mass. If you are due to have the Station in your area please contact Fr. Ray or the office 090-6437125.

School Re-opening Dates
Ardkeenan N.S. - Tuesday 31st August.
Cornafulla N.S. - Tuesday 7th September.

Annual Music Festival & Auction
At Connaughton's Pub, Clonark on Sunday next 5th September from 6pm. Proceeds go towards Drum Graveyard Fund. Please support in anyway you can (Note change of date).

Drum Art Group
Recommence on Monday 6th September in Drum Parish Hall. New members welcome. Contact Jackie 090-9644920 (evenings) for more information.

Naíonra Réalta Geala
Pre-school based at Drum Community Centre. Now taking bookings for the Free Pre-school Child Places for September 2010. Open Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 12.30pm. Active learning using the High Scope Pre-school curriculum. For further information, please contact Catherine at 086-0641910 or 090-6437411.

Social Badminton
Every Tuesday night from 9pm at Drum Community Centre. Players of all ability are welcome to attend.