Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 21st 8pm: Joe & Mary Harney, Rockfield
Sunday 22nd 10am: Paddy & Nan Devine
Wednesday 25th 7pm: Pat Lennon, Clonbulia
Thursday 26th 7pm: James Lennon, Summerhill
Friday 27th 7pm: Annie & John Lennon, Creggane
Friday 27th 8pm: Owen McManus, Belrea (Month’s Mind)
Saturday 28th 8pm: Maura Henry, Mount Florence
Sunday 29th 10am: Mass
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 22nd 11am: Elizabeth & Patrick Egan, Curraghnaboll
Sunday 29th 11am: Willie Shine, Drumlosh
Lily Martha Holloway
Congratulations to her parents
Pakistan Appeal
Due to the disastrous flooding that has occurred in Pakistan, over 1,600 people have lost their lives. Over 2 million people are homeless and in total 14 million people are affected. This weekend, Trócaire is launching an appeal for your help in this global disaster. Envelopes are available at the back of the church. Please take one and return it next weekend with your contribution. Thank You.
Cross River Anglers
Family angling competition on Sunday 22nd August starting from The Mill at 2pm.
Heritage Week
Guided tour of Drum Monastic Site, St. Brigid's Well and Drum Heritage Centre will be held on Wednesday 25th August at 6pm.
Annual Music Festival & Auction
At Connaughton's Pub, Clonark on Sunday 29th August from 6pm. Proceeds go towards Drum Graveyard Fund. Please support in anyway you can.
Naíonra Réalta Geala
Pre-school based at Drum Community Centre. Now taking bookings for the Free Pre-school Child Places for September 2010. Open Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 12.30pm. Active learning using the High Scope Pre-school curriculum. For further information, please contact Catherine at 086-0641910 or 090-6437411.
Social Badminton
Every Tuesday night from 9pm at Drum Community Centre. Players of all ability are welcome to attend.
Volunteers urgently required
Can you spare a few hours a week? St. Vincent de Paul charity shop Athlone urgently requires volunteers for all aspects of the shop - shop floor, cashiers, deliveries, sorting goods, pressing and general tidying. Afternoon hours 1.30 – 4.30/5, Saturday 12-4, or mornings. Retail experience an advantage to some positions, but not necessary & successful applicants will be subject to back round checks. Contact shop manager David Petitt for more details and application forms, Shop No: 090-6444043, or call in to the shop on O’Connell Street, Athlone.
Athlone Gymnastics Club
Will reopen on Saturday 4th September. Anyone wishing to join the club, please contact 086-8574634 for further details.
S.O.F.T. Ireland
The Support Organisation for Trisomy 13/18 (Pataus Syndrome/Edwards Syndrome) is hosting an informal meeting in the Athlone Springs Hotel, Monksland in Monday 30th August from 6.30-8.30pm. All welcome. Free admission and tea/coffee will be available.
Clonark Garda
Garda John Keane is now attached to the Clonark District and may be contacted at 086-6068819 or 086-6068817.
Elocution, Speech & Drama Classes
Recommence in Athlone GAA on Monday 13th September for ages 4 and upwards. Contact Mary 087-8941197.