Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 9th 8pm: Edward McManus, parents John & Margaret, Nure
Sunday 10th 10am: Mary Duignan, Clonbulia
Tuesday 12th 7pm: Kathleen Greene, Doohan
Tuesday 12th 7.30pm: First Confession for the children of Ardkeenan N.S. & Cornafulla N.S.
Wednesday 13th 7.30pm: John Martin & Rita Kenny, late of Clontuskert, followed by Rosary and Benediction
Wednesday 13th 8pm: Ardnanure, Clonrulla and Curraghaleen Station Mass in the home of Eamon & Kathleen Harney
Thursday 14th 7pm: Phobe Duignan, Doohan
Friday 15th 7pm: Martin O’Rourke, Rathpeak
Friday 15th 8pm: Crannaghmore Station Mass in the home of Jodie & Caroline Harney
Saturday 16th 8pm: Stella Brockman (nee O’Neill) and sister Maura, Mount Hussey
Sunday 17th 10am: P.J. Lawless, Cornafulla South
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 10th 11am: Johnny, Annie, Patrick & Elizabeth Egan, Curraghnaboll
Sunday 17th 11am: Mary Henry, Carricknaughton
Rest In Peace
Anthony Keane, Coosan (brother-in-law of Peader Killian, Cramcan)
Patrick Browne, Drumraney (brother of Dick Browne, Meehambee)
Bridie Hughes, Castlesampson, Bealnamulla
Seán Flynn, Ballydangan
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam
Samaritans - Volunteers
Have you 3 hours per week to spare? Could you be a Samaritans volunteer? Athlone Midlands Samaritans are holding information evenings for prospective new volunteers in Shamrock Lodge Hotel at 8pm on Wednesday 13th and Tuesday 19th March. For further information contact athlonesamsvolunteering@gmail.com
Irish Music and Sean-nós Dancing
Athlone Library will be celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge on Friday 15th March from 3pm, with music by Tony Dunne and friends followed by a display of sean-nós dancing by the Dully family of Clonbonny. Please tell your friends and come along to enjoy the entertainment!
Maidin Caife agus Comhrá
Seolfar ciorcal comhrá nua le linn maidin caife i dTeach Chiaráin, Cearnóg Mhuire, Baile Átha Luain Dé Sathairn an 16 Márta ó 11 r.n. - 1 i.n.. D'éirigh go maith leis an oíche scannáin an tseachtain seo caite agus cuirfidh an mhaidin caife deireadh le ceiliúradh Sheachtain na Gaeilge. Is féidir tuilleadh eolais a fháil ó Ghaeilge Átha Luain nó tar chuig an maidin caife. Beidh míle fáilte romhat.
Coffee and comhrá morning
A new 'ciorcal comhrá' (Irish conversation group) will be launched with a coffee morning this Saturday 16th March from 11am-1pm in St. Ciarán's House, St. Mary's Square, Athlone. The coffee morning follows the successful Irish film night held last week and marks the end of Seachtain na Gaeilge. Further details available from Gaeilge Átha Luain or just come along to the coffee morning. Beidh míle fáilte romhat - all are welcome.
SVP Paddy Run
The Society of Saint Vincent de
Paul (SVP) 'Paddy Run' is a 10k run or 5km walk on St Patrick's Day,
Sunday 17th March. Starting at 10am from Athlone Regional Sports Centre.
Register online at www.racedates.ie or register on the morning. Come out and support your local SVP.
Alcohol/Drugs Talk
An evening of positive talk about alcohol/drugs with questions and answers session for St. Aloysius' and Summerhill TY and 5th year students and their parents, on Tuesday 19th March at 7.13pm in St. Aloysius' College.
St. Hilda's Services
Annual church gate collection will take place on Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st March at all masses. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Irish Wheelchair Association, Athlone wish to thank sincerely all who supported their recent church gate collection.
'Big Bother Big Sister' Volunteers
Foróige's Big Bother Big Sister program is seeking male and female adult volunteers who can share 1-2 hours per week with a young person. Please contact Louise on 086-8596879 for more information.
Lenten Prayer Groups
Every Tuesday during Lent at the following locations and times:
-Tearmon Micheál at 10.15am;
-Monksland Community Centre at 7pm;
-The Presbytery, Deerpark Road at 8pm.
Each Wednesday during Lent, The Rosary and Benediction will be offered after the evening mass in Drum for all who are sick in our parish.
Stations of the Cross every Wednesday morning during Lent at 9am in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church.
Trócaire Lenten Campaign
Envelopes containing Trócaire Fast Boxes are available at the back of the churches. Every home is asked to bring one and support Trócaire in helping people to make a living so that they can escape poverty.
Spring Stations
Those who wish to host a station mass in their home this spring are invited to contact Drum Parish Office to book a date and time. The stations have been a tradition in the parish for generations and it would be lovely to see the tradition continue and restored for generations to come.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
Ss. Peter & Paul's Parish Pilgrimage to Medjugorje from June 29th to July 6th 2013. Spiritual Director: Fr. John McManus. Contact G Kinneavy at 087-2249621 or Mary Mulligan at 090-6492045 or 087-2936933.
Athlone Toastmasters
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 12/03/2013, 8.15pm, in The Prince of Wales Hotel. Please feel free to visit athlonetoastmasters.org or to contact Martina (martinabreen@mac.com or 087-3296366) All welcome: there is no need to be a member to attend. Just walk in, improve your confidence and your public speaking skills.
Eucharistic Adoration
Please consider a weekly hour of prayer. Adorers needed for Tuesday 2am, Wednesday 3pm, Thursday 1am, 8am, 11pm, Friday 11pm, Saturday 2pm, Please contact Liturgical Centre, Castle Street: 090-6498755.