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Sunday, 17 March 2013

Newsletter - Sunday 17th March 2013

Naomh Pádraig
Lá Fhéile Pádraig
St. Patrick's Day

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 16th 8pm: Stella Brockman (nee O’Neill) and sister Maura, Mount Hussey
Sunday 17th 10am - St. Patrick's Day: P.J. Lawless, Cornafulla South
Monday 18th 7pm: Thomas & Mary Ann Naughton, Doohan
Tuesday 19th 7.30pm: Confirmation Programme
Thursday 21st 7pm: Pake, Molly & Thomas Kenny, Johnstown, followed by Rosary and Benediction
Friday 22nd 8pm: Rockfield / South Hill Station Mass in the home of Tommy and Eileen Moran
Saturday 23rd 10.30am: Clonellan Station Mass in the home of Séan and Mary Grenham
Saturday 23rd 8pm: James Henry, Mount Florence
Sunday 24th 10am: John Duffy, Clonark

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 17th 11am - St. Patrick's Day: Mary Henry, Carricknaughton
Sunday 24th 11am: Deceased members of the Shine Family, late of Cunny and Buggane

Monksland Area Mass
Thursday 21st March at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre. All welcome.

Garry John Naughton
Céad míle fáilte! Congratulations to his parents.

Rest In Peace
Ciss (Bridget) Galvin (née Harney), Duogue
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam

Lá Fhéile Pádraig i mBaile Átha Luain
Athlone St. Patrick's Day Events

Parade starts at 2.30pm from Golden Island, led by Athlone Army Band and Midland Vintage Cars. Music entertainment and buskers through the parade. Children's magic show in the Civic Square from 3.15-4.15pm. Bouncing Castle 2-4pm.

Alcohol/Drugs Talk
An evening of positive talk about alcohol/drugs with questions and answers session for St. Aloysius' and Summerhill TY and 5th year students and their parents, on Tuesday 19th March at 7.13pm in St. Aloysius' College.

Samaritans - Volunteers
Have you 3 hours per week to spare? Could you be a Samaritans volunteer? Athlone Midlands Samaritans are holding an information evening for prospective new volunteers in Shamrock Lodge Hotel at 8pm on Tuesday 19th March. For further information contact

Bowling Night for Cornafulla School
Cornafulla N.S. Parents Association are holding a Bowling Night in Athlone Leisure World on Friday 22nd March. Team of 4 costs €40. Choose from the following time slots 7.45, 8.30, 9.15. 10.00. Contact Leslie 087-7740123 or Tony 086-1751163 to book place. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Drum Heritage Table Quiz
Annual table quiz on Friday 22nd March at 8.30pm in Shamrock Lodge Hotel. Table of 4: €40. Teams and individuals welcome. A great night assured.

Monksland Active Age
Enjoy a mornings relaxation in Monksland Community Centre every Thursday morning at 10.30am. Meet friends, have a chat, craic, dancing, music and storytelling. Organised day trips during the year. Would love new members and new ideas. Morning ends at approx. 12.30 with tea and home-made scones. See you there.

Holy Hour
The next holy hour in Drum will be held on Tuesday 26th March. More details to follow.

Rehab People of the Year Awards
The closing date for nominations is 21 March, which is only a few days away. This is an ideal opportunity to recognise voluntary contributions of people in our community and recognise them. We are blessed in Athlone that there are so many people who give of their time to charities, to sports clubs, to arts groups, to community organisations and to neighbours. You can nominate anyone who you think should be recognised for their contribution to our community, to a person, whom you think makes a difference to peoples lives. The nomination can be done on line at or you can fill in the form in the Westmeath Independent or pick up a form at the back of the church.

Adult Literacy Tutor Training Course
Volunteers required to continue this good work. For further information contact by email: or phone 086-1731931.

Athlone Multiple Sclerosis Society
Church gate collection will take place on weekend of Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th March. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

St. Hilda's Services
Annual church gate collection will take place on Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st March at all masses. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

RUAH Youth Prayer Meeting
Meeting on Friday 22nd March from 8-9.30pm consists of prayer through music, times of silence, and a reflection on scripture from Deacon Frank McGuinness, Elphin Diocesan Youth Director. All are welcome.

Thank You
Dean Kelly N.S. would like to thank sincerely all those who supported their recent cake sale. A total of €970 was collected.

Course for Ministers of the Eucharist
A course for new and existing ministers will take place in St Peter's N.S. Hall, Lyster Street for 4 successive Tuesday evenings beginning on Tuesday 9th April from 8-9.30pm.

Lenten Prayer Groups
Every Tuesday during Lent at the following locations and times:
-Tearmon Micheál at 10.15am;
-Monksland Community Centre at 7pm;
-The Presbytery, Deerpark Road at 8pm.
Stations of the Cross every Wednesday morning during Lent at 9am in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church.

Trócaire Lenten Campaign
Envelopes containing Trócaire Fast Boxes are available at the back of the churches. Every home is asked to bring one and support Trócaire in helping people to make a living so that they can escape poverty.