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Please note this site contains archived newsletters and is not currently being updated. The Parish of Saints Peter & Paul - Athlone, Drum & Clonown now has its own website at

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Newsletter - Sunday 31st March 2013

Domhnach Cásca
Easter Sunday

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 30th 8pm: Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil - People of the Parish
Sunday 31st 10am: Easter Sunday - People of the Parish
Tuesday 2nd 7pm: Martin Kelly, Clonbulia
Wednesday 3rd 7pm: Catherine Higgins, Curryroe
Thursday 4th 7pm: Philomena Duignan, Ardkeenan
Friday 5th 7pm: Lena Murray, Clonellan
Saturday 6th 10.30am: Anthony Coyle, Ennis (brother of Sean Coyle, Ardkeenan)
Saturday 6th 8pm: Pat & Margaret Lennon, Clonellan
Sunday 7th 10am: Joe Lennon, Ardkeenan

Clonown Mass Intentions
Saturday 30th 8pm: Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil
Sunday 31st 11am: Easter Sunday - Ann & Tom O'Brien, Oldtown
Sunday 7th 11am: Mass

Rest In Peace
John Joe Mears, Curryroe, Drum
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam

Beannachtaí na Cásca - Easter Blessings
The Priests of the Parish wish all our parishioners, and all who attend our churches, a very happy and peaceful Easter.

Go raibh maith agat - Thank you
The Parish is indebted to all the good people who gave of their time and energy to make our Holy Week Ceremonies worthy of the occasion. We thank most sincerely all who took part in the ceremonies, Eucharistic ministers, readers, choirs, altar servers, sacristans and all those involved in any way.

Drum I.C.A.
Monthly meeting on Tuesday 2nd April at 8.30pm in Drum Community Centre.

Coffee Morning
A coffee morning in aid of Sr. Helena McEvilly’s Mission in Nigeria will be held in Drum Parish Hall after the 10am mass on Sunday 7th April. Your support would be very much appreciated.

Farm Plastic Collection
There will be a collection of waste silage plastic at Joe Duffy's Lakeland Enterprise Centre, Ballydangan (Moore turn) on Monday 8th April between 9am and 5pm. For further information contact: FRS Network 071-9662781 or 086-2521699.

Clonown Community Centre AGM
The Annual General Meeting of Clonown Community Centre Committee will take place on Tuesday 9th April at 8.30pm.

Clonown Church Refurbishment Collection
Thanks to the generosity of the people from Clonown and surrounding areas and friends of Clonown, the second collection for the church refurbishment will finish on Easter Sunday. However, people can still give donations towards seats in the church. It has been suggested that there will be a second collection for the month of April, the proceeds of which will go towards the maintenance of the graveyard, as funding from Roscommon County Council has been drastically reduced.

Clonown Community Alert
Clonown branch of Community Alert wish to thank all those who contributed to the recent church collection. A total of €175 was raised. Community Alert is under the umbrella of Muintir na Tíre but the money collected in Clonown will go towards providing alarms etc in the Clonown area.

Clonown 10K Run and Walk
The 4th annual 10K run/walk will take place in Clonown on Sunday 28 April. A generous prize fund exists and there will be spot prizes on the day. The same 10K route will be used as last year but in reverse order, which means the finishing line will be at the community centre, where the renowned tea, sandwiches and hospitality will be available after the race. The routes are very flat through beautiful countryside and are ideal for those aiming for a personal best or those completing their first 5k or 10k run. Starting times as follows: 1.30pm for 10K walk; 2.30pm for 5K run; 3pm for 10k run. Please allow at least 30 minutes to register before the start. Online regitration and further details on

Cycle for Fun
In association with Roscommon Sports Partnership. Training every Sunday morning at 10am sharp from Clann na nGael club house, Johnstown. All ages catered for.

Reminder: Charity Tax Relief forms
Please return your completed form for 2012 to the Parish Office as soon as possible. If you have mislaid the form or did not receive the relevant documentation, please contact the Parish Office at 090-6492171 or in Drum 090-6437125. Many thanks for the positive response so far.

Course for Ministers of the Eucharist
A course for new and existing ministers will take place in St Peter's N.S. Hall, Lyster Street for 4 successive Tuesday evenings beginning on Tuesday 9th April from 8-9.30pm.

Clonown notices from