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Sunday, 24 March 2013

Newsletter - Sunday 24th March 2013

Domhnach na Pailme agus An tSeachtain Mhór
Palm Sunday and Holy Week

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 23rd 8pm: James Henry, Mount Florence
Sunday 24th 10am: John Duffy, Clonark
Monday 25th 7pm: John (Cal) & Mary McManus, Nure
Tuesday 26th 8pm: Holy Hour
Wednesday 27th 7pm: Mike Watson, late of Ardkeenan, followed by Rosary and Benediction
Thursday 28th 8pm: Holy Thursday - Our Lord's Supper - People of the Parish
Friday 29th 3pm: Good Friday - Passion of Our Lord
Friday 29th 7.30pm: Prayer around the Cross
Saturday 30th 8pm: Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil - People of the Parish
Sunday 31st 10am: Easter Sunday - People of the Parish

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 24th 11am: Deceased members of the Shine Family, late of Cunny and Buggane
Thursday 28th 8pm: Holy Thursday - Our Lord's Supper
Friday 29th 3pm: Good Friday - Passion of Our Lord
Saturday 30th 8pm: Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil
Sunday 31st 11am: Easter Sunday - Ann & Tom O'Brien, Oldtown

Benjamin Charles Durney
Kate-Anne Maura Durney
Céad míle fáilte! Congratulations to their parents.

Rest In Peace
Sr. Mary Gemma Grenham, late of Clonown
Lily Barrett, Coolderry, Ballinasloe (sister of John Murray, Creggane)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam

Clonown Country Market
Sunday 24th March from 11.30am-4.30pm. Lots of new and nearly new items. Proceeds of table hire and raffle go to IHCPT to bring children with special needs to Lourdes.

Penitential Rite
A number of priests will be available for individual confessions at the penance service on Monday 25th March at 8pm in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church.

Progressive 25 Card Game
In aid of Drum Apostolic Work will be held in the Clann na nGael Clubhouse, Johnstown on Monday 25th March at 9pm. Food Hampers and many other prizes. Please support our Missionaries.

Outdoor Stations of the Cross
On Good Friday 29th March starting at 12 noon from St. Mary's Church, through the streets of Athlone and finishing at Ss. Peter & Paul's Church.

Easter Bingo in Drum this Good Friday night
Drum Bingo will host an Easter special in Drum Community Centre on Good Friday night at 8.30pm. Doors open at 8pm. Usual cash prizes to be won, plus 24 Easter Eggs to be given away on the night. Monster raffle also. Everybody welcome.

Easter Envelopes and Easter Cards
Will be distributed to each home in the parish during the coming week by your local area collector/distributor. Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated.

Cycle for Fun
In association with Roscommon Sports Partnership. Training every Sunday morning at 10am sharp from Clann na nGael club house, Johnstown. All ages catered for.

Reminder: Charity Tax Relief forms
Please return your completed form for 2012 to the Parish Office as soon as possible. If you have mislaid the form or did not receive the relevant documentation, please contact the Parish Office at 090-6492171 or in Drum 090-6437125. Many thanks for the positive response so far.

Course for Ministers of the Eucharist
A course for new and existing ministers will take place in St Peter's N.S. Hall, Lyster Street for 4 successive Tuesday evenings beginning on Tuesday 9th April from 8-9.30pm.